"Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Customs Statistics"

Statistical Regulations of the Customs of the People’s Republic of China Article 1 The statistical regulations of the customs of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as “Statistical Regulations”) are established in accordance with the external trade statistical provisions ......

Statistical Regulations of the Customs of the People’s Republic of China

Article 1 The statistical regulations of the customs of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as “Statistical Regulations”) are established in accordance with the external trade statistical provisions of the State Council and the provisions of other laws and regulations.

Article 2 The customs of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as “Customs”) shall be responsible for the compilation of data for the statistical compilation on the import and export of goods, in accordance with the provisions of the Statutory Regulations.

Article 3 The statistical services of the Customs shall be based on the principle of truth, the reporting and revising of data in accordance with the facts and protecting the confidentiality of the data.

Article 4 The Customs shall compile the data of external trade statistics in accordance with the forms established by the State Council and shall regularly collect, process and analyze the statistical data on the import and export of goods.

Article 5 The Customs shall abide by the rules and regulations prescribed by the relevant departments of the State Council, and appropriately strengthen the work related to statistical survey and amendment, especially in the areas of consultation and verification of statistics.

Article 6 Customs statistical data shall be applied by Customs, related industry associations and social institutions in the compilation of foreign trade statistics from other classes in accordance with the instructions of the relevant departments of the State Council.

Article 7 The statistical survey and compilation shall follow the principle of accuracy, comprehensiveness and conformity to the requirements of external trade statistics; the compilation shall also include the cases of import or export sales in foreign exchange, advances in outward payments, other inward and outward payments in foreign exchange, and goods arriving at the place of destination, with the consent of the State Council.

Article 8 The Customs shall make public monthly, quarterly and annual foreign trade production data and GDP data as compiled according to the State Councils statistical standards.

Article 9 The relevant department of the State Council shall designate an examination and approval authority for the entries made in the Customs external trade statistical form.

Article 10 The Customs shall, in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, collect and submit the data on enterprises’ foreign trade to the relevant department of the State Council for its supervision.

Article 11 To avoid the overlapping or unreasonable collection, the relevant department of the State Council may require the Customs to provide statistics from outside the Customs, and coordinate with the local statistical departments to jointly conduct statistical surveys.

Article 12 Customs statistical data is an important basis and reference for decision-making of the State Council; the relevant departments of the State Council may request the Customs to report on relevant data timely and accurately.

Article 13 The Customs and related departments of the State Council shall systematically organize the supervision and inspection of statistical reporting, and the relevant department of the State Council shall according to the regulations and law, to verify the accuracy and authenticity of the statistical report.

Article 14 The statistical personnel of the Customs shall keep confidential the statistical data and materials obtained in the statistical survey and shall not disclose, nor make use of the statistical materials and data for any purpose other than what is approved.

Article 15 The statistical personnel of the Customs shall not use the user’s external trade statistical forms for their own purposes.

Article 16 The Customs shall take the initiative to submit data to the relevant departments of the State Council and the relevant organizations prescribed by the State Council.

Article 17 Offences committed in the course of statistical survey shall be sanctioned according to law.

Article 18 These Regulations shall enter into force as of the date of promulgation.

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