BSOEM01 type acid-base sewage self-control neutralization discharge technology

Technology 269 1045 Evelyn

BSOEM01 Acid-Alkaline Sewage Self-Control and Discharge Technology Introduction Acid-Ai alkaline sewage is generated by certain industrial production processes, such as food processing, washing and cleaning, chemical processing, and metal metallurgy. It is a common problem for industrial wastewa......

BSOEM01 Acid-Alkaline Sewage Self-Control and Discharge Technology


Acid-Ai alkaline sewage is generated by certain industrial production processes, such as food processing, washing and cleaning, chemical processing, and metal metallurgy. It is a common problem for industrial wastewater treatment. Releasing untreated acid-alkaline wastewater into the environment is harmul for aquatic environments and human life, as it cause changes to the pH balance, which would otherwise disrupt local wildlife or result in unacceptable levels of industrial pollution. To avoid pollution, effective acid-alkaline sewage treatment solutio are needed.

What is BSOEM01?

BSOEM01 is a self-control and discharge technology designed to treat acid-alkaline sewage. It is a relatively new technology that uses automated control systems to monitor and regulate the pH of wastewater discharged by industries.

Working Principle

The BSOEM01 technology works through four main stages. The first stage is an initial acid-alkaline wastewater collection unit, which collects and separates the acid and alkaline components. The collected acid and alkaline components are measured for their respective pH levels before proceeding to the second stage.

In the second stage, the pH of the acid and alkaline components are adjusted until the desired pH level is achieved. This is accomplished using chemical reagents, such as alkalis and acids, which are added to the wastewater to balance out the pH.

The third stage involves treatment of the wastewater using a filteration system. The wastewater is filtered through a number of filter media, such as activated carbon, ion-exchange resins, and other materials. These filter media allow for the removal of suspended solids, oils, and other pollutants. Following the filteration process, the wastewater is chemically treated in the fourth stage.

This involves the addition of chemicals, such as acids or alkalis, to neutralize the acid-alkaline wastewater streams and ultimately achievea desired pH level.


The BSOEM01 acid-alkaline sewage control and discharge technology is an advanced and efficient wastewater therapy system that brings numerous benefits.

First, it is capable of automatically sensing and controlling the pH of wastewater streams, which helps to ensure accurate pH levels for wastewater discharge. This provides industry with greater confidence that the discharged wastewater is compliant with legal standards and regulations.

Second, the technology is designed to be easier to install and maintain than other acid-alkaline sewage treatment systems. It requires minimal operation and adjustments, allowing a single user to easily monitor and control the sewage treatment process.

Finally, this system is highly efficient and requires relatively lower chemical use during operation. This helps to reduce the cost associated with wastewater treatment and make the process more affordable for industry.


The BSOEM01 acid-alkaline sewage self-control and discharge technology is a novel and advanced wastewater treatment system. It offers several benefits, such as improved accuracy for pH control, ease of installation and maintenance, and reduced cost for operation. This technology provides industry with an efficient and cost-effective solution for acid-alkaline sewage treatment.

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