Rees and Rees Focus Consulting Firms

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John and Rebecca Rice established Rice and Rice Focus Consulting, LLC in 2003. The company is located in Chicago, Illinois and is a family owned operation that provides a range of professional services in the areas of business, finance and personal financial consulting services. John Rice has mor......

John and Rebecca Rice established Rice and Rice Focus Consulting, LLC in 2003. The company is located in Chicago, Illinois and is a family owned operation that provides a range of professional services in the areas of business, finance and personal financial consulting services.

John Rice has more than 25 years of experience in the finance and business consulting fields. He is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and holds an MBA in Finance from the University of California-Los Angeles. He is also a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) and a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA). He has extensive experience in various business consulting disciplines, including financial planning, mergers and acquisitions, strategic planning and risk management.

Rebecca Rice, who serves as the companys President, has over 15 years of experience in the field of finance and personal financial consulting. She holds a bachelors degree in Accounting from the University of Illinois and is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®). Rebecca is a chartered financial analyst and serves as a financial advisor to individuals and businesses throughout the Midwest.

At Rice & Rice Focus Consulting, LLC, our mission is to provide clients with comprehensive financial solutions that span the entire spectrum of personal, business and financial goals. Our services are tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual client, whether an individual or a business. We believe in the integrated approach to financial planning, combining multiple disciplines such as tax planning, retirement planning, investments, insurance and law, to develop tailored solutions that enable clients to pursue their objectives.

At Rice & Rice Focus Consulting, LLC, we pride ourselves on our commitment to delivering exceptional service to our clients. Our team of professionals is dedicated to providing an unparalleled combination of expert knowledge, skillful consultation and timely responsiveness to ensure that our clients receive the best possible advice and assistance in realizing their financial goals. We strive to build a lasting relationship with every client through a comprehensive and customized planning process.

At Rice & Rice Focus Consulting, LLC, our philosophy is rooted in the belief that the ultimate success of any business or individual client is dependent upon their ability to create and manage reliable models for success. We understand that successful financial planning relies on the development of customized solutions that are based on our clients’ unique individual needs, goals and resources. We strive to help our clients develop and implement successful strategies for lifelong financial security and wellness.

Our qualified staff of financial professionals has the knowledge and expertise to provide sound financial advice to our clients. Our team can assess a client’s financial goals and objectives, analyze their current financial position, create a customized action plan and then provide ongoing guidance throughout the implementation of that plan.

At Rice & Rice Focus Consulting, LLC, we are committed to helping our clients achieve their financial goals through careful planning and the right financial strategies. Whether you need to plan your retirement, prepare an estate plan, invest a lump sum of money or protect your family’s financial future, our team can help. Contact us today for a free initial consultation!

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