McKinsey seven steps into poetry

The seven-step process that McKinsey developed to create impactful business poetry can be applied to most topics. It starts with setting the theme, moves to gathering information and research, then uses creative techniques to brainstorm ideas and shape and refine a poem. By using the steps outline......

The seven-step process that McKinsey developed to create impactful business poetry can be applied to most topics. It starts with setting the theme, moves to gathering information and research, then uses creative techniques to brainstorm ideas and shape and refine a poem. By using the steps outlined below, creating a piece of business poetry will be inspiring and enjoyable.

Step 1: Set the Theme - Begin by selecting a theme that relates to your business or industry. Consider current trends, past experiences, and relevant topics.

Step 2: Gather Information and Research - The next step is to gather information and research the topic. This can include reading related articles and books, engaging experts and interviewing people in the industry, and brainstorming ideas with colleagues. Be sure to take careful notes and keep track of the source material during the research process.

Step 3: Brainstorm Ideas - Utilize creative techniques to brainstorm ideas. Think of inventive ways to express your insights and create unique ways to approach the topic. Brainstorming should be a non-judgmental process, so set aside time to get your thoughts out without fear of judgement or criticism.

Step 4: Create the Poem - Generate a poem that articulates the theme. Utilize the research and ideas from earlier steps to focus the poem on facts and feelings that relate to the theme. At this stage, it’s important to focus on emotions and not let facts get in the way.

Step 5: Structure and Refine - Structure the poem, consider word choice and meter, and research poetic devices. Divide the poem into section and lines, which will help add clarity to the poem. Review the poem for any potential errors in grammar and/or spelling.

Step 6: Live Poem - Once the poem has been crafted, perform or ‘live’ the poem. This gives the poem a competitive edge, as the poet can tap into the emotions and energy of a live audience. Record the performance and make any necessary modifications or edits.

Step 7: Publish and Promote - The last step is to publish and promote the poem. Post it on social media accounts or relevant blogs, or present it at gatherings or in business networks.

The seven-step process is an excellent way to create beautiful and meaningful business poetry. Using the steps outlined above, writers can take something as complex and powerful as a business theme and turn it into an inspiring piece of artwork. With the right blend of creativity and research, business poetry can move people, motivate them to action, and tell engaging stories in the voice of executives and industry leaders.

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