GB 13005-91 Gas Cylinder Terminology

GB 13005-91 Terminology of Cylinder This standard is applicable to the general terminology used in the production, testing, use, conversion, recovery and inspection of cylinders for the storage, transport and distribution of petroleum, chemical products and other gases. 1 General In this standa......

GB 13005-91 Terminology of Cylinder

This standard is applicable to the general terminology used in the production, testing, use, conversion, recovery and inspection of cylinders for the storage, transport and distribution of petroleum, chemical products and other gases.

1 General

In this standard, various terms related to the production, testing, use, conversion, recovery, inspection and other activities of cylinders for the storage, transport and distribution of petroleum, chemical products and other gases are given.

2 Terms and Definitions

2.1 Cylinder

A pressure container composed of a cylinder and its accessories for the storage, transport and Distribution of Petroleum, Chemical Products and other Gases.

2.2 Filling of Cylinders

The process of filling the cylinder completely without reducing its pressure.

2.3 Capacitor

It refers to the container after its complete filling, the pressure of which is equal to its rated pressure.

2.4 Internal Volume

The total internal volume of the container after taking into account the internal space occupied by the suspended accessories of the container.

2.5 Rated Pressure

The maximum allowable operating pressure of the container marked in the temperature nameplate or the technical documents.

2.6 Nominal Volume

The volume of the container or the maximum pressure gas volume corresponding to the filling pressure indicated by the technical documents or the code name.

2.7 Cylinder Mark

The marks on the surface of the container, including approval marks, pressure marks and other marks.

2.8 Validity Period of Production

The proof pressure-free stamped validity period of the container should not exceed 10 years.

2.9 Special Gas

It refers to liquefied petroleum gas and other gases which are corrosive, non-uniform, easy to flee, toxic, inflammable and explosive.

2.10 Pressure Recharge

The process of using compressed air to restore the container pressure to the rated pressure.

2.11 Sub-filling

A secondary charging process after the container has been deformed.

2.12 Final Pressure Testing

An inspection method of proof pressure-free testing of containers after the production is completed.

2.13 Allowable Working Pressure

The continuous working pressure of the container is not higher than the rated pressure.

2.14 Nondestructive Testing

An inspection method to judge the material properties, structure and manufacturing accuracy of containers without damaging the tested parts.

2.15 Fracture Test

An inspection method for containers by rupturing and checking the ability to withstand high pressure.

2.16 Cylinder Protection Net

A network used to prevent the cylinder from falling and damaging.

2.17 Cylinder Pressure Mark

A mark indicating the container bearing pressure.

2.18 Transportation

The process of conveying gas in cylinders by air, waterway, railway and road.

2.19 Transportation Safety

A measure taken to prevent an accident during the transportation.

2.20 Pressure Reducing Valves

A device used to adjust the pipe pressure of the container.

2.21 Reverse Pull

The process of emptying the container by artificially evacuating the medium.

2.22 Safety Device

A device that opens or pops when a certain pressure is exceeded to protect the container pressure safety.

2.23 Valve Type Cylinder

A kind of cylinder with a safety device of safety valve and check valve, some also with pressure reducing valve and relief valve.

2.24 Non-valve Type Cylinder

A kind of cylinder without safety valve, check valve, pressure reducing valve and relief valve.

3 Requirements

3.1 The terminology in this standard should be used when producing and inspecting containers for the storage, transport, and distribution of petroleum, chemical products and other gases.

3.2 The contents of this standard should be explained in detail in order to ensure a unified understanding.

4 Safety Requirements

4.1 During the process of bulk production, testing, use, conversion and recovery of cylinders, safety measures should be taken strictly to ensure the safety of personal, equipment and environment.

4.2 Cylinder operators must receive specific training to ensure their operation is correct, safe and standardized.

4.3 During use, persons should pay attention to and monitor the local conditions in order to prevent the accident that may happen due to the sudden pathogenic change.


This standard focuses on the terminology related to the production, testing, use, conversion and recovery of cylinders. This terminology is related to the safety, common sense and measures of handling and using cylinders, which must be followed to ensure the safety of personnel, equipment and environment. The unifying of this terminology will not only standardize the production and inspection process of cylinders but also help in the understanding and using of cylinders.

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