wall construction

Method Statement for Brick Wall Construction 1. Introduction This method statement is for the construction of a brick wall. The wall should be constructed in accordance with the approved drawings and specifications. This statement should be followed to ensure proper installation and masonry tech......

Method Statement for Brick Wall Construction

1. Introduction

This method statement is for the construction of a brick wall. The wall should be constructed in accordance with the approved drawings and specifications. This statement should be followed to ensure proper installation and masonry techniques are used. This statement includes a description of the tools and materials needed to complete the brick wall installation and the step-by-step procedure used to construct the wall.

2. Tools and Materials

The following tools and materials are needed to construct a brick wall:

• Bricks – the selection of bricks should be approved prior to construction

• Mortar – a mixture of cement, sand and water should be used

• Trowel – this tool is used to apply the mortar to the bricks

• Hammer and Masonry chisel – these are used for cutting and shaping the bricks

• Level – this tool is used to ensure the wall is even and plumb

• Spreader bar – this is used to ensure the mortar is evenly spread between each brick

• Safety Equipment – such as goggles and protective clothing should be worn

3. Procedure

The following procedure should be followed for the proper construction of a brick wall:

Step 1: Prepare the Area – Secure the area where the wall is to be built. Remove any debris and level the ground if necessary.

Step 2: Calculate the Amount of Bricks Needed – Calculate the amount of bricks needed to complete the wall. The calculations should be based on the approved drawings, which include measurements of the wall and the type of bricks to be used.

Step 3: Begin Laying the Bricks – Begin laying the bricks one at a time. The bricks should be staggered so that the edges are not in-line with one another. Ensure the bricks are placed in a straight line, making sure the joints are even and the wall is plumb.

Step 4: Apply Mortar – Use the trowel to apply a layer of mortar to the back of the brick and place into position. Ensure the mortar is evenly spread between each brick.

Step 5: Cut Bricks – If necessary, use a hammer and masonry chisel to trim bricks to the desired size. Make sure to wear safety goggles when cutting bricks.

Step 6: Check Level – Use the level to ensure each course is even and plumb.

Step 7: Clean the Wall – Once the wall is completed, wipe away any excess mortar with a damp cloth.

4. Quality Control

In order to ensure the wall is constructed properly and to the required standard, multiple quality control measures should be followed. These measures should include inspecting the wall and all materials before construction, inspecting the wall during construction, and performing a final inspection once the wall is complete.

5. Safety

It is important that all safety precautions are followed when constructing a brick wall. Safety equipment, such as goggles and protective clothing, should always be worn when working with bricks and masonry tools. All tools should be inspected before use and any gas and power tools should be tested for correct operation. Also, be sure to wear protective gloves to avoid any cuts when handling bricks.


Constructing a brick wall can be a difficult and time consuming task. However, by following this method statement, the brick wall can be constructed safely, efficiently and to the required standards.

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