Synchronous Application of Danfoss Frequency Converter on Spraying Chain

Synchronous Application of Danfoss VFD on Chain Spraying Abstract Chain spraying is commonly used in various industrial processes, such as printing and coating. However, these processes are prone to violate the synchronization rule, resulting in wastage of resources and uncontrollable deviation ......

Synchronous Application of Danfoss VFD on Chain Spraying


Chain spraying is commonly used in various industrial processes, such as printing and coating. However, these processes are prone to violate the synchronization rule, resulting in wastage of resources and uncontrollable deviation of the end product quality. In order to overcome this problem, Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) provided by Danfoss are deployed in these processes in order to provide high-precision synchronous control. The need of focusing on the synchronization of chain spraying process was identified and a deep analysis was conducted resulting in a corresponded post evaluation in various aspects that were undertaken. The article further emphasizes on the application of Danfoss VFDs in providing improved accuracy of the end products and a more efficient utilization of resources.

Key Words: Chain spraying; Synchronization; Danfoss VFD

1. Introduction

Chain spraying is a commonly used process which is employed in industries ranging from printing to coating. It involves spraying onto a moving substrate in order to even the surface of the end product, providing a smooth finish. It is commonly used in industries such as the automotive and furniture industry, among many others. The chain spraying process is an important part of many production processes, which require a strict synchronization of the spraying process with the substrate movement to ensure high-quality end products. Without adhering to this rule, the end product is likely to suffer from irregular spraying and make the process inefficient.

2. The Problem

In certain processes, the chain spraying is subjected to synchronization as there might be some interactions causing a deviation from the ideal end-product. This can result in the wastage of resources and reduced quality of the end-product. Without proper synchronization, the spray might be applied onto the wrong parts of the substrate. This affects the end product’s quality and uniformity because some areas on the substrate might not be properly covered with the desired color. Furthermore, the deviation of the process might result in improper utilization of resources and increase the residues on the substrate.

In order to maintain an efficient chain spraying process and ensure the high-quality end products, a synchronous control system is required that would allow the spraying rate to be adjusted according to the substrate’s movements.

3. The Solution

To address the problem of synchronization and provide proper control in chain spraying processes, Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) provided by Danfoss are used. These drives are connected to the spray equipment in order to ensure that the spraying process is adjusted according to the substrate’s movements, thus providing a strong control over the process.

The Danfoss VFDs are able to precisely monitor and adjust the mechanisms speed, thus allowing for highly-accurate synchronous control. This prevents the spraying process from deviating from the substrate motion and ensures that the end product has a smooth finish. Furthermore, these drives provide a more efficient utilization of resources, thus reducing wastage of resources.

4. Evaluation

A trial was conducted in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the Danfoss VFDs in providing an efficient synchronization in the chain spraying processes. The performance of the drives was evaluated using various methods, including a comparative trial to compare the end product against that of regular chain spraying processes.

The trial involved the use of two sets of chain spraying systems, one with a regular controller and the other with a Danfoss VFD-enabled controller. The performance of both was evaluated according to various criteria, such as the quality of the end product as well as the resource utilization.

The results of the evaluation showed that the Danfoss VFD-enabled controller was superior to the regular controller in terms of providing a smoother finish of the end product as well as a more efficient utilization of resources. The results were further validated in a laboratory setting, thus providing an even more accurate evaluation of the performance of the VFDs.

5. Conclusion

The application of Danfoss VFDs in chain spraying tasks has shown to be effective in providing a synchronized process and ultimately achieving a high-quality finish of the end product. The highly efficient use of resources also provides significant cost-savings and an improved ROI. In conclusion, Danfoss VFDs are an ideal solution for providing a synchronized chain spraying process and ensuring an even and smooth finish of the end product.

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