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"Three simultaneous" system
Introduction In China, the three simultaneous system- the combination of state, collaborative and private development is widely used in many industries. This practice was formed in China in 1978 when the Chinese government started to promote the open-door policy, and has since become an important......
tags: system three simultaneous system same time
"Social Man" Hypothesis
What Does it Mean to be a Member of Society? Being a member of society is something that many people strive for. We each have our own unique identities, roles, and contributions that we make to the world we live in. But there are also things that we all have in common, and being a part of society......
tags: means being society i me society
The "Onger Marie" effect
Wenger-Gardner Effect The Wenger-Gardner effect is a psychological phenomenon that explains how the power of suggestion influences our perception of the world around us. It is named after American psychologist Stanley Wenger and British psychologist George Gardner, who discovered its implications......
tags: may effect experiences pain can effect
The "Bird in Hand" Theory
The bird in the hand theory is a theory that states that a bird in the hand is worth more than two in the bush. This maxim dates back to medieval times when people considered a bird in the hand to be safer than risking the uncertain outcome of trying to catch two in the bush. The maxim expresses a......
tags: bird hand one their own should
The "self-actualizing person" hypothesis
The concepts of self-realization and self-actualization are among the most important topics to explore when it comes to understanding human development and fulfillment. It is a term that is used to describe a persons development towards attaining their fullest potential, and is traditionally seen ......
"Management Practice"
Management in Practice Management has become an ever increasingly important part of the world today. Companies, organizations and individual workers have come to realize the importance and necessity of proper management. Without proper management, resources, both human and non-human are wasted a......
Robert's Rules of Order
Roberts Rules of Order Roberts Rules of Order is a basic manual of parliamentary procedure that was developed by U.S. Army Brigadier General Henry Martyn Robert, who adapted it from earlier parliamentary procedure manuals and published it in 1876. Since then, Roberts Rules of Order has become the......
tags: rules order roberts rules meeting order
"Internal Audit Specific Standards No. 25 - Economic Audit"
Internal Audit Uniform Rule 25 – Economic Audit Internal audit uniform rule (IAUR) is an important document for internal auditors, created to provide assurance that an organization’s operational practices are aligned with its strategic and operational goals. This requirement that all internal ......
tags: audit should economic audit economic internal
"Human Capital Investment"
Human Capital Investment Human capital investment is a growing sector within the world of investments, and it is an area that many investors are looking into as a way to diversify their portfolios. Human capital investments can refer to a wide range of investments, from investments in education an......
"Employee Paid Annual Leave Regulations"
Employee Paid Annual Leave Regulation 1. Preamble The Employees’ Paid Annual Leave Regulation is promulgated to implement the relevant law implementation regulations and guarantee the legitimate rights and interests of employees. 2. Scope of Application This Regulation applies to all employ......
tags: annual leave labor annual leave paid
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