"Three simultaneous" system

Introduction In China, the three simultaneous system- the combination of state, collaborative and private development is widely used in many industries. This practice was formed in China in 1978 when the Chinese government started to promote the open-door policy, and has since become an important......


In China, the three simultaneous system- the combination of state, collaborative and private development is widely used in many industries. This practice was formed in China in 1978 when the Chinese government started to promote the open-door policy, and has since become an important foundation for the rapid development of Chinese industry. This paper aims to provide a thorough overview of the three simultaneous system in China, by discussing key aspects such as its history, main components, advantages and challenges.

History of the Three Simultaneous System

The three simultaneous system began in 1978 when the Chinese government adopted a policy of reform and opening up. At this time, the Chinese economy was still in its infancy and the government sought to introduce various measures to promote economic expansion. As part of this effort, the government established the three simultaneous system, which allowed the public, cooperative and private sectors to co-exist and support economic development. At first, the three elements of the system focused mainly on agricultural and industrial production, but have since been extended to various other fields.

Main Components of the Three Simultaneous System

The three simultaneous system is made up of three distinct parts, each of which has a specific role to play in promoting economic development in China. These elements are the state-owned sector, the cooperative sector and the private sector.

The state-owned sector consists of companies and organizations owned by the Chinese government, which are heavily involved in the development of the Chinese economy. These organizations are generally large, powerful, and well-resourced, with a wide range of contacts and resources. They are mainly responsible for overseeing and supporting large-scale industries or activities, such as infrastructure development and public services.

The cooperative sector includes businesses and organizations owned and operated by local Chinese communities. These organizations focus mainly on providing goods and services to local communities, such as agricultural products, consumer goods, and services. The cooperative sector also has a strong focus on creating employment opportunities for local residents.

The private sector consists of companies and businesses owned by individuals or companies who are independent of the Chinese government. Private businesses are generally smaller than their public or cooperative counterparts, but they are still important in promoting economic growth. Private businesses have a much wider scope than the public and cooperative sectors, and they are mainly responsible for providing goods and services to consumers.

Advantages of the Three Simultaneous System

The three simultaneous system has been an important contributor to the success of the Chinese economy. It has been crucial for promoting economic growth in China, as it allows for a certain degree of competition, innovation, and resource allocation.

Firstly, the three elements of the system promote competition between each sector, which encourages improvement in the quality and efficiency of goods and services produced in China . This in turn leads to increased productivity, which is necessary for sustaining economic development.

Secondly, the system provides a degree of innovation. For example, the cooperative sector has been a major source of innovation in China, with cooperatives producing goods and services not available from the other sectors. Private enterprises have also been a crucial source of innovation, with them producing goods and services catering to a wide variety of consumer needs.

Finally, the three simultaneous structure allows the government to better allocate resources towards the various sectors. This allows them to make sure that resources are used in the most productive and efficient manner.

Challenges of the Three Simultaneous System

Despite the numerous advantages of the three simultaneous system, it also has several challenges. Firstly, the cooperative and private sectors are much smaller than the public sector, which means they tend to lack the resources and influence of the state-owned sector. This can lead to a degree of inequality between the different sectors, with the public sector often in the position to dominate and control the other two.

Secondly, the system can also lead to problems such as over production and low quality goods and services. This is due to the fact that the emphasis on competition and innovation can lead to companies and businesses focusing heavily on producing goods and services, rather than focusing on their quality.


In conclusion, the three simultaneous system is an important part of the Chinese economy and has been instrumental in facilitating rapid industrial growth in the country. Despite its numerous advantages, the system also has several challenges, such as the lack of resources and influence of the smaller sectors and the tendency towards overproduction and low quality goods. In order to ensure the system is effective in the long-term, the Chinese government should ensure that all sectors are treated equally and that there is an emphasis on quality over quantity.

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