GB 16163-1996 Classification of bottled compressed gases

Classification of Bottled Compressed Gas Compressed gas is an important energy source that plays an important role in daily life and production. In order to ensure safety and improve efficiency in production, a clear understanding of the composition and properties of different compressed gases is......

Classification of Bottled Compressed Gas

Compressed gas is an important energy source that plays an important role in daily life and production. In order to ensure safety and improve efficiency in production, a clear understanding of the composition and properties of different compressed gases is necessary. To this end, China has established the GB 16163-1996 standard, which classifies the bottled compressed gas according to the chemical composition and physical properties of the gas, with four categories in total.

In the first category, it is divided into three major elements: flammable gas, toxic gas and non-toxic gas. The flammable gas refers to gases that can ignite in air and is further divided into two categories—those with a flash point below -18℃ and those with a flash point above -18℃. The toxic gas category is used to contain gases that are hazardous to human health, while the non-toxic gas category is used to contain gases that do not pose a danger to human health.

The second category includes fuels and lubricating oils. The fuel class is sub-divided into liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG). The lubricating oil is composed of mineral oil and synthetic oil, and is used to lubricate the engine or other parts of a car.

The third category is divided into two sub-categories: industrial gases and medical gases. Industrial gases are mainly composed of oxygen, nitrogen, argon and other gases and related mixtures, which are used in industrial processes. Medical gases, on the other hand, are used primarily for medical and health purposes, including oxygen and other gases used in medical treatments and operations.

The last category is divided into two categories: cryogenic liquid nitrogen and biological products. The cryogenic liquid nitrogen is mainly used for industrial applications and for storing biological samples and other materials. Biological products are mainly composed of vaccines, hormones and other products used for the prevention and treatment of disease.

In conclusion, this classification system for bottled compressed gas is a comprehensive standard for the identification and classification of common compressed gases. It not only helps reduce the likelihood of leakage leading to an accident, but it also provides a basic understanding of the different types of compressed gases. This knowledge is invaluable to many industries and is necessary for the safe storage and transportation of compressed gas.

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