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Horizontal-type emery grinding machine Introduction A horizontal type emery grinding machine is a special grinding machine that uses an abrasive grinding wheel as a grinding medium. A horizontal type emery grinding machine is used to grind surfaces in order to give them a polished look. This mac......

Horizontal-type emery grinding machine


A horizontal type emery grinding machine is a special grinding machine that uses an abrasive grinding wheel as a grinding medium. A horizontal type emery grinding machine is used to grind surfaces in order to give them a polished look. This machine is commonly used in metalworking operations and is used to create a smooth finish on the parts being ground.


The most common design of a horizontal type emery grinding machine consists of a rectangular frame that contains an abrasive grinding wheel. The frame is usually made of metal or plastic.

The abrasive grinding wheel is positioned at the top of the grinding machine, or in the middle. The grinding wheel is adjustable and can be moved from side to side depending on the size of the part being ground.

The grinding wheel is driven by an electric motor or by compressed air. A motor drives a gear train which then causes the grinding wheel to rotate at varying speeds. The speed can be adjusted by the user.

The grinding wheel is then used to grind the surface of the part being machined. The grinder can be used to remove defects in a metal surface or to polish the surface of the part.


When using a horizontal type emery grinding machine it is important to be aware of safety issues. When operating the machine, always wear protective eyewear to prevent damage to the eyes. Make sure to keep hands away from the grinding area to avoid any accidental contact with the spinning grinding wheel.

Also, be sure to always keep the grinding area cleared and check the grinding wheel for any damages before operating the machine. Additionally, always use the appropriate speed and make sure that the part being ground is firmly held in place before grinding.


To ensure optimal performance and safety from a horizontal type emery grinding machine, routine maintenance is necessary. The grinding wheel should be regularly inspected for any damages or wear. Additionally, it is important to check the abrasive grinding wheel for any signs of wear or damage. The grinding wheel must be replaced or repaired if any signs of damage or wear appear.

In addition, it is important to regularly lubricate all of the bearings, gearheads, and wheels on the grinding machine with standard lubricants.


A horizontal type emery grinding machine is an important piece of machinery in the metalworking industry. This machine is used to give metal parts an even, polished surface. However, it is important to take safety precautions and to keep the machine in good condition through routine maintenance. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that the machine is fully operational and will provide the best results.

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