Reasons for Insufficient Oil Temperature Output Flow of CB-B Gear Pump

Cause Analysis of Low Output Flow of CB-B Type Gear Pump The CB-B type gear pump is an electromechanical product widely used in the industry due to its simple structure, convenient maintenance and low cost. Generally, it is used to transfer petrochemical and metering products, and it can complete......

Cause Analysis of Low Output Flow of CB-B Type Gear Pump

The CB-B type gear pump is an electromechanical product widely used in the industry due to its simple structure, convenient maintenance and low cost. Generally, it is used to transfer petrochemical and metering products, and it can complete a variety of main tasks, and vibration is small, running stability is good, and can provide stable pressure. In general, the maximum pressure of a CB-B type gear pump is generally more than 10MPa. The higher the energy, the higher the flow rate of the gear pump.

However, in actual production, the output flow rate of p type gear pumps often fails to meet the requirements. The main reasons for this are as follows:

1. The pressure of the mainframe itself is too low. Because the structural design of the CB-B type gear pump is relatively simple, if the pressure of the mainframe needs to be increased, it should be done by adjusting the pressure of the pipeline itself. If the pressure of the pipeline exceeds the operating pressure of the gear pump, it will cause uneven oil flow and affect the output pressure of the gear pump. In this case, it is necessary to adjust the pressure of the mainframe to meet the requirements of the gear pump.

2. The oil pressure of the gear pump is not adjusted properly. CB-B gear pump adopts variable speed regulation, which can adjust the oil pressure, so it can meet the needs of high pressure, large flow and low pressure, small flow. If the gear pump oil pressure is not adjusted properly, it will cause the output flow to be insufficient.

3. The air leaks into the gear pump. Due to the aging of oil seals, too high working pressure of gear pump, installation and other reasons, air may leak into the gear pump, resulting in insufficient output flow. In this case, it is necessary to check the tightness of the oil seals, replace the aging seals and reduce the working pressure of the gear pump to ensure the flow rate of the gear pump.

4. Abnormal bearing and gear wear and tear. Due to the wear and tear of bearings and gears of gear pump, the gap between them will gradually increase, resulting in abnormal flow balance and reduced flow rate. In this case, you need to change the gear pump gear and bearing to ensure normal gear pump operation.

5. The rotation speed of gear pump is not adjusted properly. The speed of gear pump is relatively slow and the flow rate is relatively small. Generally, the gear pumps speed should be 180-300 revolutions per minute. If the speed of the gear pump is too low, it will cause insufficient output flow rate, which needs to be adjusted according to the gear pump flow rate and pressure requirements.

The above are the main reasons for the low flow rate of CB-B type gear pump. If the flow rate of gear pump does not meet the requirements, it is necessary to find the cause of the fault in time, and take targeted repair and reinforcement measures to solve the problem. Only by ensuring the flow rate and pressure of gear pump can the gear pump continue to operate normally and provide reliable performance.

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