Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum (Group) Co., Ltd. Yan'an Refinery

Introduction Yan’an Refinery of Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum (Group) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Yanchang Refinery) is the largest oil refining enterprise in Shaanxi province, located in Yanchang Oilfield in Shaanxi Province. It is an important part of the Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum Grou......


Yan’an Refinery of Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum (Group) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Yanchang Refinery) is the largest oil refining enterprise in Shaanxi province, located in Yanchang Oilfield in Shaanxi Province. It is an important part of the Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum Group. It mainly produces diesel, gasoline and other petroleum products.


Since the early 20th century, Qinghai Province has had a long and rich history of oil exploration and development. After the founding of the Peoples Republic of China in 1949, the Yan’an Refinery was established after the establishment of the now well-known Yan’an Oilfield. In the late 1970s, Yan’an Refinery began its first large-scale construction. In the 1980s and early 1990s, Yan’an Refinery began to concentrate on refining oil and expanding its production capacity. At that time, Yan’an Refinery was designated as one of the largest oil refining enterprises in Shaanxi Province.

In the new century, with the continuous development of Yanchang Oilfield, Yan’an Refinery further increased its production capacity. In 2005, Yan’an Refinery reached its peak capacity of 1.8 million tons of oil. The refinery was subdivided into five branches and four production areas, with a total area of 320,000 square meters and a total fixed asset investment of 2.3 billion yuan.


As the most important oil refining enterprise in Yanchang Oilfield, Yan’an Refinery has played an important role in the development of Yanchang Oilfield and has also made great contributions to the regional economy and peoples livelihood. Since the earliest days of its establishment, Yan’an Refinery has constantly strived to make use of its advantages and advanced technology to improve the quality of its products. Over the years, Yan’an Refinery has continuously upgraded its production processes and technology, and its products reach the enterprise standards of the Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum Group.

In recent years, Yan’an Refinery has taken the lead in implementing the new energy-saving and emission reduction technologies and standards, and has actively worked with universities to jointly develop new petroleum technologies. In the year 2018, Yan’an Refinery set a new record for the production of high quality fuel products, and has been honored with various awards and honors.


After decades of development and improvement, the Yan’an Refinery of the Shaanxi Yanchang Group has become the largest oil refining enterprise in Shaanxi Province, and has made great contributions to the economic development of the region. Over the years, Yan’an Refinery has strived to make good use of its natural and technological advantages, and has constantly improved its products and production processes. Looking to the future, Yan’an Refinery will fulfil its obligations to develop new energy-saving technologies and reduce emissions, and will continue to improve the quality of its products and services.

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