Supplement of Metal Ions in Alloy Electroplating Bath

alloy 448 1079 Alexandra

Alloy electroplating bath has been widely used in jewelry industry and other industries. Alloy electroplating bath includes chemical components such as chlorine, bromide, nickel, cobalt, and chromium. Among them, metal ions play the most important role in electroplating process, and their choice a......

Alloy electroplating bath has been widely used in jewelry industry and other industries. Alloy electroplating bath includes chemical components such as chlorine, bromide, nickel, cobalt, and chromium. Among them, metal ions play the most important role in electroplating process, and their choice and addition methods determine the quality of electroplating products.

Metal ions, such as nickel and cobalt, are mainly added to the system from their salts. For example, nickel sulfate and cobalt chloride are both suitable for electroplating baths. Nickel and cobalt are usually added in the form of solid powder. The amount of solid powder and solution is adjusted according to the requirements of the equipment to keep the solution concentration of the alloy electroplating bath in the optimally range. Besides, a water soluble stabilizer, such as salicylic acid, is also used to stabilize the alloy electroplating bath and reduce the corrosion of nickel and cobalt electrolyte solution.

In addition to the addition of nickel and cobalt, other metal ions in the alloy electroplating bath can also be added. The alloy electroplating bath mainly contains a large amount of chrome ions. The chrome ions can be added in the form of chromic acid or chromic chloride salt. Besides, the addition of other metal ions, such as zinc, iron, aluminum, manganese and copper, can also help improve the performance of electroplating bath.

In the electronic industry, a special type of alloy electroplating bath is often used. This type of electroplating bath has a higher concentration of nickel-cobalt and mercury ions compared with common alloy electroplating baths. For example, the concentration of nickel-cobalt in this kind of electroplating bath is often more than 45%, and the concentration of mercury ions is often more than 0.2%. This kind of alloy electroplating bath has a relatively high corrosion and general strength, so it is well suited to electroplating on low surface area products such as small mobile phones or tiny electronic components.

In order to supplement the amount of metal ions in the alloy electroplating bath, it is very necessary to use the chemical precipitation process to reduce the concentration of the metal ions. Chemical precipitation includes chemical procedures such as oxidation, nitration, metalization and ion exchange. The key of chemical precipitation is to select the appropriate metal ions stabilizer and keep the pH value of the electroplating bath in the suitable range. The correct operation of chemical precipitation can supplement metal ions into the electroplating bath and keep the concentration of metals in the electroplating bath under control. Therefore, chemical precipitation is the necessary process in the process of supplementing metal ions.

In conclusion, alloy electroplating bath is indispensable in jewelry production and other industries. The choice of metal ions and their addition methods are very important for the quality of electroplating products. It is necessary to supplement metal ions into the electroplating bath. Chemical precipitation process is important to supplement the metal ions in the alloy electroplating bath and to keep the concentration of metals in the electroplating bath under control.

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