ore strength

ore 418 1036 Sophie

Introduction Mining ore has long been an important industry in many countries around the world due to its economic and social benefits. The strength of ore, or the ability to withstand external forces and stresses, is an important characteristic in the type of ore being mined as well as in determ......


Mining ore has long been an important industry in many countries around the world due to its economic and social benefits. The strength of ore, or the ability to withstand external forces and stresses, is an important characteristic in the type of ore being mined as well as in determining how it can be most effectively extracted and processed. The strength of ore, in particular, varies greatly depending on the type of ore, its age, and the geological setting it is found in.

Types of Ore

The two main types of ore are sedimentary and igneous. Sedimentary ore is composed of minerals that have formed over time in layers, basically made up of deposits that were once living material and have since become compacted and solidified into rocks. Igneous ore, on the other hand, forms when molten magma cools and crystallizes below the surface of the Earth. They are often softer than sedimentary ore and are generally easier to mine and process.

Testing Ore Strength

The strength of ore varies greatly. In order to test for ore strength, different tests must be done. These tests are usually performed either in the field or in a laboratory. Tests such as crushing, hardness and fracturing tests can be used to assess this property.

The crushing test is one of the most common tests used to determine ore strength. This test involves taking a small amount of the ore sample and crushing it into tiny pieces with a crusher. The size and strength of the pieces that result from the crushing will provide an indication of the strength of the ore. The hardness test is also often used to test ore strength. This test involves taking a sample of the ore and scratching it with an object such as a diamond or other hard object. The amount of scratch that appears on the ore will give an indication of its hardness and, in turn, its strength. Finally, a fracturing test can be used to assess ore strength. This test involves splitting a sample of the ore into pieces and comparing the amount of force required to do so. If it takes a lot of force to split the ore, then it is a strong material.


The strength of ore is an important characteristic that can influence the type and amount of ore that can be mined and processed. Different tests must be performed in order to assess the strength of ore, such as crushing, hardness, and fracturing tests. By understanding the strength of ore, miners can more effectively determine how to obtain the best results from their ore.

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