Jinan Tengxiang Shengye Materials Co., Ltd.

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Economic and Trade Development in Jinan Jinan, located in the south-central part of Shandong Province, is one of the province’s four provincial cities. Covering an area of 6594.52 square kilometres, with 497 km2 of water surface, the city enjoys a total population of 7,228,500 and more than 2000......

Economic and Trade Development in Jinan

Jinan, located in the south-central part of Shandong Province, is one of the province’s four provincial cities. Covering an area of 6594.52 square kilometres, with 497 km2 of water surface, the city enjoys a total population of 7,228,500 and more than 2000 years of history. It is a commerical city, bridging the Northern Plain and the Central Plain, and an important transportation hub connecting Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Beijing.

Starting from the late 19th century, Jinan developed as an emerging industrial city, with considerable investments in industry, technology, finance and commerce, as well as in modern infrastructure, opening up its port and increasing its international connections and connections with the provinces and municipalities around it.

In recent years, Jinan has established a modern service industry system designed to provide citizens with a comprehensive lifestyle, from tourism, sports and entertainment to cultural, media and charitable initiatives. The city has implemented a ‘one city, three district’ plan, so that economic and trade development is promoted in all three districts and regions. The city has also encouraged the development of local industries, by expanding the areas of investment in technology and research and development, as well as introducing new sources of funds and financial institutions.

The pace of economic and trade development has been quickened, too. In 2015, the city implemented various measures to promote industrial transfer and the development of modern service industries, such as finance, culture, sports and tourism. This laid the groundwork for more equal access to resources and the establishment of a favourable environment for innovation and business development. Enterprises are now encouraged to open online stores and tap into markets beyond the province’s boundaries.

Overall, in recent years Jinan has experienced rapid economic and trade growth. In 2020, the city achieved a total GDP of 1.43 trillion yuan, a population GDP surpassing 84,000 yuan and an industrial output value reaching 960.85 billion yuan. This is a result of deliberate action from the city’s government and business sectors, as well as strategic planning in terms of market development and infrastructural development.

Looking to the future, Jinan city is committed to establishing a modern service industry system that promotes employment and entrepreneurship, as well as further advancing urban modernization and optimising sectoral structure. This should bring Jinan to the next level of economic and trade development.

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