Check and adjust ignition timing

Checking and Adjusting Timing Introduction Ignition timing is critical to the operation of an engine. It controls the timing of the spark in the combustion chamber, and is an integral part of the combustion cycle. A properly timed engine will run smoothly, efficiently, and with minimal emissions......

Checking and Adjusting Timing


Ignition timing is critical to the operation of an engine. It controls the timing of the spark in the combustion chamber, and is an integral part of the combustion cycle. A properly timed engine will run smoothly, efficiently, and with minimal emissions. Improper timing can contribute to a variety of engine problems, such as decreased performance, poor fuel economy, and excessive emissions. In order to ensure that your engine is running correctly, it is important to check and adjust the ignition timing regularly.

Tools and Materials Needed

In order to successfully check and adjust your ignition timing you will need the following tools and materials:

• Timing light – This is used to measure the exact relative timing of the spark to the piston position in the cylinder.

• Feeler gauges – Used to measure the gap between the spark plug electrodes and the distributor rotor.

• Adjustable wrench – This is used to adjust the distributor timing by rotating the position of the distributor.

• Timing Charts – These are used to accurately set the desired timing for your engine.


1. Plug your timing light into the engine’s spark plug wire, with the other end being connected to a functioning power source.

2. Start the engine and allow it to warm up.

3. Using a feeler gauge, measure the gap between the spark plug electrodes and the distributor rotor. The recommended gap should be 0.035 - 0.045 inches.

4. Once the gap has been established, you can begin to adjust the timing. Be sure to disconnect the battery power before making any changes.

5. Using an adjustable wrench, rotate the distributor counter-clockwise until the timing mark on the distributer indicates that the timing is at the desired level.

6. Once the timing has been set, use the timing light to check if the timing is correct. The light should illuminate each time the spark plug fires, and the timing should be within the manufacturer’s recommended specification.

7. If the timing is not correct, continue to adjust the position of the distributor until the timing is correct.


Checking and adjusting the ignition timing of your engine is an important part of proper maintenance. If the timing is off, it can lead to a variety of problems, such as decreased performance, poor fuel economy, and excessive emissions. Make sure to use the appropriate tools and check your timing periodically to ensure that your engine is running optimally.

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