publishing contract

steel market 165 14/07/2023 1046 Lily

Publishing Agreement This Publishing Agreement (“Agreement”) is made on [date] between [author name] (“Author”) and [publisher name] (“Publisher”). The Author has written an original work (the “Work”), the details of which are as follows: Title of the Work: [title] Author’s Name: [auth......

Publishing Agreement

This Publishing Agreement (“Agreement”) is made on [date] between [author name] (“Author”) and [publisher name] (“Publisher”).

The Author has written an original work (the “Work”), the details of which are as follows:

Title of the Work:


Author’s Name:

[author name]

Subject Matter:

[subject matter]

The Work is currently in [final/draft] form and ready for publication.

The Publisher hereby agrees to publish, print and distribute the Work on or before [date], and to use reasonable efforts to promote the sale of the Work using its reasonable means and resources.

In consideration for the Publisher’s services, the Author hereby grants the Publisher exclusive rights to the Work in all languages and in all editions throughout the world for a period of [number] years from the effective date of this Agreement.

The Author agrees that the Publisher will be solely responsible for all costs associated with the publication, advertising, and promotion of the Work, including without limitation, costs for editing, printing, distribution, royalties, and publicity.

The Author agrees that he/she shall not, during the period of this Agreement, assign or transfer any rights or obligations under this Agreement to any other person or legal entity.

The Author agrees that the Publisher will receive all profits, proceeds, and income generated from the Work. Any royalties, sums, or other payments due to the Author from third parties shall, before they are paid to the Author, first be held by the Publisher and credited to the Author as a debt due.

The Publisher further agrees to pay to the Author an advance, in the amount of [amount], as partial consideration for the rights granted herein.

Finally, the Author agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Publisher from all claims, liabilities, losses, damages, costs, expenses and attorney’s fees of every kind or nature whatsoever arising from or related to the publication and distribution of the Work.

In consideration of the premises and covenants contained herein, the parties hereto agree to execute this Agreement and any accompanying documents related to the publication of the Work, effective as of the date first written above.


[author name]


[publisher name]

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steel market 165 2023-07-14 1046 AuraSoul

Publishing and Distribution Agreement This Publishing and Distribution Agreement (this “Agreement”), is made and entered into as of [DATE], by and between [PUBLISHER], with its principal place of business at [STREET, CITY, STATE, ZIPCODE], (“Publisher”), and [ARTIST], located at [STREET, CITY......

Publishing and Distribution Agreement

This Publishing and Distribution Agreement (this “Agreement”), is made and entered into as of [DATE], by and between [PUBLISHER], with its principal place of business at [STREET, CITY, STATE, ZIPCODE], (“Publisher”), and [ARTIST], located at [STREET, CITY, STATE, ZIPCODE] (“Artist”).

WHEREAS, Artist is an independent recording artist gaining recognition for his/her musical endeavors; and

WHEREAS, Publisher is in the business of music publishing and distribution and have experience and resources available to facilitate the promotion and sale of Artist’s recordings; and

WHEREAS, Artist desires to have Publisher distribute and promote Artist’s recordings, including the recordings set forth on Exhibit A, which are attached hereto and made a part hereof (the “Master Recordings”), according to the terms and conditions of this Agreement;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and obligations hereinafter set forth, Publisher and Artist agree as follows:

1. Appointment. Artist hereby appoints Publisher as the exclusive distributor of all Master Recordings.

2. Distribution and Promotion. Publisher has the authority and obligation to promote, advertise and publicize the Master Recordings through its standard promotional channels, provided Artist pays to Publisher the amounts described in Section 4 herein.

3. Compensation. As a result of the services and activities described in Section 2, Publisher will be entitled to a commission at the rate of [PERCENTAGE] of the receipts derived from the sales of the Master Recordings.

4. Reporting and Payments. Publisher will issue to Artist a quarterly statement setting forth the sales of the Master Recordings and the amount of commission due. Payments shall be made to Artist within thirty (30) days after the quarter-end.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first set forth above.

[Artist] By His/Her Signature

[Publisher] By His/Her Signature

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