Hob Measuring Instrument: Hob Helix Measuring Instrument

Roller cutter spiral wire measurement instrument Roller cutter spiral wire measurement instrument, also known as roller cutter and torsion spring splicer, is a machine that measures and measures the pitch, pitch and torsion of the spiral wire. It has a working range of 0.0006 - 0.6 mm, which is m......

Roller cutter spiral wire measurement instrument

Roller cutter spiral wire measurement instrument, also known as roller cutter and torsion spring splicer, is a machine that measures and measures the pitch, pitch and torsion of the spiral wire. It has a working range of 0.0006 - 0.6 mm, which is more than 5 times that of the manual tool. The high accuracy and stable performance of the equipment ensure that the pitch and helix angle of the flying wire can meet the required specifications.

The mechanical structure of the roller cutter spiral wire measurement instrument is rather complex due to its machine components, so it needs to be inspected and maintained regularly to ensure the normal operation and accuracy of the instrument. The tester should prepare for inspection and adjustment refer to the following items:(1)Check whether there is any blockage in the measuring system and cleaning the parts.(2)Check the rotary encoder is in normal working condition, check the operation status of the main unit is normal.(3)Check and fine tuning the system corrections.(4) Check the tension of the measuring system, adjust the tension of the wire to the original or specified value.

The roller cutter spiral wire measurement instrument is equipped with a computer controller and software, which can easily complete the window, measuring length, measuring pitch, measuring torsion angle, tension management and other functions. After calibration, the software can automatically correct the data and ensure the accuracy of the measurements.

In order to ensure the accuracy of the measurement provided by the roller cutter spiral wire measurement instrument, regular calibration is necessary. It is recommended that the Machine Components of the instrument should be cleaned and inspected once a week, and calibration should be carried out every month to guarantee a more accurate and reliable measurement result. The calibration process includes the following steps(1)dismantle the roller, Caliper, and arrange them on the standard platform(2)Check and adjust the accuracy range of roller and caliper.(3) The encoder should be checked for sags or effects of low temperature(4)Checking the operation status of the main unit(5)Check and reconfigure the system correction parameter.

Regular calibration of the roller cutter spiral wire measurement instrument is essential to ensure accurate measurements, as such, it is important to ensure that the instrument is operated by experienced personnel. If you have any problems with the usage or adjusting of the machine, please contact the manufacturers or contact their designated technical department.

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