Job, Salary Vocabulary

Workplace Vocabulary Employment is a major part of modern life. People find themselves having to work to support not only themselves but their families as well. To ensure the optimum level of satisfaction and well being, the working environment must be right. In addition, certain terms of employm......

Workplace Vocabulary

Employment is a major part of modern life. People find themselves having to work to support not only themselves but their families as well. To ensure the optimum level of satisfaction and well being, the working environment must be right. In addition, certain terms of employment must be understood and agreed on. For this, a number of workplace vocabulary terms is necessary.

Beginners: This designation is often allocated to new employees who are just starting out in their career. Mentorship and additional support are usually given to these beginning employees to ensure a smooth transition.

Desk Job: A desk job is one that focuses on the use of computers and technology for the majority of the working day. Office jobs often fall into this category and do not involve physical labor or outdoor activity.

Employee Benefits: As well as a salary, many workplaces offer additional incentives to employees in the form of health insurance, pension plans, or other forms of benefits such as additional holidays.

Employee Manual: This document outlines the various rights, responsibilities, and procedures to be followed in the workplace. It is often given out to new employees as a guide to company protocols.

Employment Contract: In order to secure employment, employees and employers must agree to certain terms, conditions, and restrictions. These are laid out in the employment contract that each party signs.

Recruitment: This is the process by which employers seek out suitable candidates for positions in their business. This process usually involves interviewing, background checks, and other methods of evaluation.

Scheduling: This determines the days and times when employees are required to work, with both the employer and employee’s availability taken into consideration.

Salary: This is the amount of money (before taxes) that an employee receives in exchange for the work they do. It is a regular payment made at intervals throughout the year.

Training: This involves equipping individuals with the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to fulfill their role. Employee training can take many forms, such as on-the-job training, workshop training, or online courses.

Uniform: In certain workplaces, it is compulsory for employees to wear a uniform. This makes them instantly recognizable to customers and clients and may also provide additional safety features.

Workplace Health & Safety: This is a priority for employers, as it protects both their employees and their business from potential hazards.

Workplace Resolution: Issues or disputes that arise in the workplace can often be solved through workplace resolution. This usually involves an impartial mediator intervening and trying to reach a mutually beneficial agreement.

By understanding the various aspects of the workplace and becoming familiar with commonly used workplace vocabulary, employees have a better chance of getting the most out of their job and being a valued member of their team. As such, it’s important for all employees to be aware of the language used in their workplace.

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