international trade contract

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Agreement on International Trade Preamble The Government of ABC and DEF recognize that the harmonious development of economic and trade ties between the parties serves their mutual interests and contributes to the overall economy of the two countries. This Agreement is intended to provide a fra......

Agreement on International Trade


The Government of ABC and DEF recognize that the harmonious development of economic and trade ties between the parties serves their mutual interests and contributes to the overall economy of the two countries. This Agreement is intended to provide a framework to facilitate and strengthen economic cooperation.

Article A

ABC and DEF shall encourage their firms to actively develop and strengthen trade relations, by, inter alia, increasing trading activity, and concluding economic contracts with each other.

Article B

Both countries agree to make all efforts to facilitate the continued development of economic ties. The necessary conditions for the purpose of implementing the Agreement are to be established by the relevant authorities of each State.

Article C

ABC and DEF shall expand access on reciprocal terms to their respective markets to the products and services of the other State.

Article D

The Government of ABC and DEF agree to eliminate double taxation and provide for measures to protect each others’ investments in their respective areas.

Article E

ABC and DEF agree to introduce, in their respective countries, rules and regulations concerning trade and investment, including the exchange of business related information, which are in accord with acceptable international standards. Such rules and regulations should provide a rational and transparent regulatory environment, guarantee the level-playing field, and protect against abuse, on terms mutually beneficial to both countries.

Article F

ABC and DEF agree to begin, and maintain, dialogue at the highest levels to ensure the effective implementation of this Agreement, identify and resolve any problems that arise, promote economic cooperation and progress, and keep abreast of the political and economic developments of each other.

Article G

ABC and DEF recognize that the obligations undertaken by the two countries pursuant to this Agreement represent the minimum commitments which they will make to ensure the steady and progressive development of their economic relations.

Article H

The Government of ABC and DEF shall enter into negotiations as soon as possible on issues related to the deepening of the economic and trade relationship, in particular, regarding the facilitation of trade and investment, the further liberalization and harmonization of legislation, and other related economic issues. The negotiations shall take place within the framework established by this Agreement. The governments agree to enter bilateral negotiations as soon as possible, and without delay, in order to reach agreement on the modalities to be applied in the expansion and deepening of economic and trade ties.

Article I

The Government of ABC and DEF agree to make all efforts to ensure the full, faithful and effective implementation of this Agreement in accordance with the principles of international law and in compliance with their respective domestic laws.

Article J

The Government of ABC and DEF agree to establish a joint committee to oversee the implementation of this Agreement. The Joint Committee shall meet at least twice yearly, and its meetings shall be held alternatively in the capitals of either ABC or DEF.

Article K

This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of the last notification by the Parties that all applicable domestic procedures required for its entry into force have been completed and shall remain in force for a period of ten years.

This Agreement, comprising of the Preamble and the Articles hereunder, may be amended or otherwise supplemented upon written agreement by the Parties.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorized by their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement.

Done at ……………………….., this ……………. day of …………………, 20….

For the Government of ABC

For the Government of DEF

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