Planned economy

macroeconomic 748 02/07/2023 1044 Sophie

Introduction Plan Economics is a concept first developed in the Soviet Union shortly after the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, but one which has been adopted and adapted in many other economies since then, most notably in communist countries since the 1960s. The underlying idea of Plan Economics is th......


Plan Economics is a concept first developed in the Soviet Union shortly after the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, but one which has been adopted and adapted in many other economies since then, most notably in communist countries since the 1960s. The underlying idea of Plan Economics is that the government should play an active role in determining economic activities and allocating resources for their respective industries. This is done by controlling all the processes of the economy, from investment to production, consumption and distribution. As such, Plan Economics can be seen as a type of central planning which seeks to regulate economic activity and avoid market volatility, producing an efficient allocation of resources for economic development.


The concept of Plan Economics is based on the idea of planned production — that is, the government plays a role in pre-planning the industrial and economic activities within an economy. This means that the government sets the goals and objectives of production, while also assigning resources and labor to industries and tasks. This type of planning is thought to be superior to the free market, as it allows the government to effectively allocate resources, control price levels, and minimize market volatility.

In practice, the government plays a major role in managing Plan Economics. It is responsible for setting priorities, allocating resources, and monitoring the performance of plan targets. The state also keeps records of industrial and economic activities, as well as resources allocated to each industry, so that it can be sure its plans are followed. Furthermore, the government might also intervene in markets to help stabilize prices or prop up certain industries.

Advantages and Disadvantages

There are a number of advantages which are associated with Plan Economics. One key advantage is that it allows the government to allocate resources and control economic activity in a more efficient and effective manner, particularly in regards to resource allocation. By controlling investment, production, and distribution, the government is better able to guarantee the efficient use of resources and ensure that the right resources are applied to the right tasks.

Another advantage is that Plan Economics can be used to reduce fluctuations in prices and wages. By control price levels, the government can help reduce inflation, stabilize monetary systems, and encourage economic growth. Finally, Plan Economics is also believed to better regulate monopolies, as the government is able to restrict their power and initiate anti-trust laws.

However, Plan Economics is not without its disadvantages. For example, it can encourage inefficiencies, as it does not allow the market to adjust its prices based on demand and supply. Additionally, there is a risk of corruption, as the central government is given a great deal of power over the economy. Furthermore, Plan Economics can also lead to underdevelopment in some sectors, as the government focuses its attention and resources on selected industries.


In conclusion, Plan Economics is a type of central planning which has been used in many countries throughout the world, with varying degrees of success. It seeks to control the economic activities of countries through the allocation of resources and price controls, and can be used to reduce market volatility and encourage economic growth. However, Plan Economics also has its disadvantages, including inefficiencies, potential corruption, and the risk of underdevelopment in certain sectors.

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macroeconomic 748 2023-07-02 1044 EchoGrace

Mankind have been increasingly aware of the importance of economic planning. This is a type of economic system based on the principle that the state should make decisions concerning the prevailing framework within which is meant to rest the economy of a nation.In its most basic format, economic pl......

Mankind have been increasingly aware of the importance of economic planning. This is a type of economic system based on the principle that the state should make decisions concerning the prevailing framework within which is meant to rest the economy of a nation.In its most basic format, economic planning is employed by a government in order to maintain certain levels of production and investment. It is seen as a route to a more planned use of resources, particularly when coupled with distribution of income.Objectives of this kind of economic system vary from one country to another, but they commonly seek to ensure equitable distribution of income and resources, efficient allocation of population and resources, and a basic level of access to quality product and services.In order for economic planning strategies to effectively contribute to the economic health of a nation, its government must make sure that its decisions are guided by a sound understanding of the economic principles and facts within which it operates. The state should also ensure that its plans are aligned with its objectives and clearly focus on the economic needs of its citizens.

In addition to practical economic considerations, the state must also be mindful of the political and social implications of its decisions. Economic planning should also be formulated in such a way as to strike a balance between short-term goals and long-term objectives in order to maintain stability and balance between competing interests.

Economic planning should not be seen as the exclusive vehicle for driving economic development, but can play a pivotal role in helping to consolidate and build the foundations of fiscal stability and industry expansion. Ultimately, economic planning should be viewed as a viable way of responding to the changing needs of a nation and its citizens, while allowing the state to actively intervene in the economy in order to drive growth and make the most of what resources are available.

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