Camine-Kemmely or CK, is a method of analysis that uses high-frequency spectra, or the frequency of a sound, to identify changes in vocal tract resonance during speech production. It is primarily used to examine the voice of a subject when producing a variety of speech sounds. This technique can help to gain insight into the dynamic nature of vocal production and provides insight into how speech sounds are generated from vocal apparatus and articulators.
Overview of CK
CK utilizes computer-driven models of the speech production process to detect and quantify changes in vocal tract resonance as a result of articulatory movements of the vocal apparatus. The techniques of CK are based upon the analysis of high-frequency spectra of speech sounds. The analysis of spectra gives insight into various acoustic parameters, such as the frequency range of a certain speech sound, and allows for detailed comparison of speech sounds produced by different speakers.
The technique of CK enables the study of both the spectral and temporal characteristics of speech sound production. In particular, the technique allows for the quantification of the temporal aspects of speech production, such as the duration and articulatory rate. In addition, the technique enables the comparison of the initial, middle, and final stages of a specific speech sound production.
Application to Speech Research
CK is particularly useful in the study of voice production. By detecting changes in vocal tract resonance, the technique can be used to examine the effects of different articulatory or orofacial postures on the production and perception of speech sounds. In addition, by tracking changes in vocal tract resonance, it is possible to gain insights into the vocal and intonation patterns of different speakers.
In addition to its application in voice production, the technique of CK has been used to study the perception of different speech sounds. By examining the temporal aspects of speech sound production, researchers can determine how different speech sounds are perceived by listeners. In particular, this can provide insight into the accuracy of speech perception in different circumstances.
Camine-Kemmely is a method of analysis that enables researchers to examine the temporal and spectral characteristics of speech production. This technique can provide insight into the dynamic nature of spoken language, as well as the effects of different vocal and intonation patterns on the perception of speech sounds. By tracking changes in vocal tract resonance, CK can be used to study the effects of different articulatory postures on the production and perception of speech sounds. By examining the temporal aspects of speech sound production, the technique can also be used to gain insights into how speech sounds are perceived.