Matters needing attention when using the roll changing trolley in the finishing mill

Safety Considerations For Roller Changing Of the Roller Mill Roller changing is a common maintenance process of the roller mill. During the changing process, the roller mill is completely stopped, dismantled, replaced and installed. Following the process of roller changing on the roller mill, man......

Safety Considerations For Roller Changing Of the Roller Mill

Roller changing is a common maintenance process of the roller mill. During the changing process, the roller mill is completely stopped, dismantled, replaced and installed. Following the process of roller changing on the roller mill, many problems will be encountered, so you must pay attention to the issues that need attention. The safety consideration for roller changing of the roller mill includes as follows.

1. Before the roller changing, the roller mill should be shut down, the power should be cut off and the bearings, bolts, wedges and other parts should be properly secured. Before the roller changing, all the parts of the roller mill should be thoroughly inspected to make sure that the given process can be completed safely.

2. During the roller changing, the people in the workshop should pay attention to the balance of the roller and ensure that the roller can be easily loaded and unloaded and changed.

3. In the process of roller changing, the weight of the roller should be first distributed evenly, and then the roller should be changed by using the wheeled crane and other lifting equipment in the workshop.

4. When the roller is replaced, the frame should be leveled and leveled so that the roller can be well coordinated and changed safely.

5. When handling the center of the roller, special attention should be paid to the damage of the gasket. The impact force should be minimized.

6. When handling two rollers, two people should work together to ensure the safety of the roller operation.

7. After the roller is changed, you should check the structure, distribution and bolt fastening of the roller size in order to check whether the roller has the standard size.

8. After the roller is changed, the roller bearings should be well-lubricated and the gasket should be firmly locked. The lubrication oil should be replaced in time to ensure that the roller runs safely and smoothly.

9. The roller changing place should be kept clean and tidy. The welding slag, oil and grease should be cleaned immediately after roller changing.

10. During the whole process of roller changing, personnel should take care of the structure of the roller mill, pay attention to dust prevention, strictly follow the related instructions and ensure the safety and duration of the roller mill.

These are the considerations that need to be addressed during the roller changing process of the roller mill. It is important to ensure the safety of workers and the equipment during the roller changing process, and can effectively reduce the accidents and equipment faults that may occur during the roller changing process. In order to prevent potential safety risks, businesses should pay attention to the safety considerations mentioned above before, during and after the roller changing process.

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