Oscillating roller

Swing Roller Compaction (SRC) is an innovative process to compact powders, such as active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), into solid, compacted forms. Developed by Global Compaction Technologies LLC (GCT) in 2010, the process increases the bulk density and strength of solid materials, resulting......

Swing Roller Compaction (SRC) is an innovative process to compact powders, such as active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), into solid, compacted forms. Developed by Global Compaction Technologies LLC (GCT) in 2010, the process increases the bulk density and strength of solid materials, resulting in improved material flow characteristics and reduced production costs.

The SRC process provides a unique solution for solid compaction, by compressing the powder with a roller mechanism in a series of precise motions. This process creates a consistent, uniform particle size and shape to ensure reproducible results, while also increasing the density of the powder, improving dissolution, and ultimately enhancing the performance of the product.

The SRC process is highly efficient and can be used with a variety of materials, including tablets, dry granulations, porous components, sprays, and other particle-like substances. This process also helps to improve the uniformity of the material, as well as increase its shelf life. The SRC process allows for closer control of the compaction environment, increasing the efficiency of the process and reducing the time required to achieve the desired results.

The SRC process is also beneficial for using both low and high-shear roller compaction machines. Low-shear machines are more suitable for soft powders, as the rolls will quickly break apart and release the material, leading to larger, less uniform particles. High-shear machines, on the other hand, can be used with powders of any hardness, as the compaction forces are greater and the particles are more uniformly distributed.

The SRC process is capable of providing the desired end product characteristics, while also reducing the manufacturing time and improving product yield. Additionally, the process is safe and very easy to use, as it can be fully automated with minimal operator intervention. This eliminates the need for manual inspection and ensures a high-quality end product.

The SRC process is ideal for a variety of materials, and its unique advantages make it a valuable tool for solid compaction and increased performance. This innovative solution is providing businesses with the capability to reduce their production costs, increase their yield, and improve the quality of their products.

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