Technical parameters of spherical lathe

Introduction The spherical grinding technology is the most advanced technology in the field of precision grinding and polishing of round and spherical parts. It is also most widely used in the manufacture of precision machine components and intricate workpieces. It is often considered a critical ......


The spherical grinding technology is the most advanced technology in the field of precision grinding and polishing of round and spherical parts. It is also most widely used in the manufacture of precision machine components and intricate workpieces. It is often considered a critical process in many industries, especially in aerospace and automotive sectors. In the past several years, significant improvements have been made to the spherical grinding technology.


Spherical grinding technology is the process of achieving a very high quality roundness, straightness, and surface finish of the parts. It uses sophisticated machines, tools and techniques to achieve the desired roundness, straightness and surface finish. Spherical grinding is usually done in two phases – manual and automated. In manual phases grinding wheel is used to produce the desired shape and surface finish characteristics. In automated phases, computer controlled machines are used to achieve desired results.


The process of spherical grinding technology can be broken down into three main stages.

The first stage is the preparation stage where the metal surface is prepared for grinding. Surface preparation is important because it ensures the metal is clean, free from dirt and other particles that may interfere with achieving the desired shape and surface finish. This stage includes cleaning, pre-treatment and other processes to ensure that the part is ready for grinding.

The second stage is the grinding itself. In this stage, the grinding wheel is used to produce the desired shape and surface finish; the wheel is typically made of diamond or CBN (cubic boron nitride). The wheel is attached to a slowly rotating spindle, so that each rotation is precise and concentrated.

The third stage is the finishing stage. This stage involves polishing, measuring and inspecting the parts to ensure that all the requirements are met. The finishing stage is particularly important because it determines the quality of the product. The polishing process involves using abrasive compounds to smooth the surface and remove any imperfections.

Analysis and Evaluation

The spherical grinding technology can achieve very high quality parts, with excellent roundness and surface finish. One of the major benefits of this technology is that it is very cost effective and the process can be automated. The process is also very consistent and reliable; the parameters used by the machines are precisely monitored and adjusted in order to produce consistently high quality parts. The process also allows for intricate shapes with complex geometries; this is very beneficial for aerospace and automotive parts. The process is also very efficient; due to the high precision and accuracy, much less material is wasted during the grinding.

The main disadvantage of the spherical grinding technology is that it is an extremely specialized process. It requires highly skilled personnel and sophisticated machines; this increases the cost of the process. Another potential issue is the potential safety hazards associated with the process; the machines and tools used are usually very sharp and so safety precautions must be taken when operating them.


In conclusion, the spherical grinding technology is an extremely advanced process which is widely used in many industries. It is capable of achieving very high quality parts which meet the stringent requirements set by many industries in terms of shape, roundness, and surface finish. The process is also cost effective, given the automation capabilities and the accuracy of the process. Although it is an extremely specialized process, the potential safety hazards and high initial costs can be mitigated by taking appropriate safety precautions and investing in high quality machines.

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