Correct selection of valve electric device to prevent overload

The Overload Protection of Valve Electric Device Electric device of valve is one of the most common and important components in the electric system of fluid manufacturing equipment. It not only plays the role of turning on and off the on/off electric valve, but also helps to control the force dir......

The Overload Protection of Valve Electric Device

Electric device of valve is one of the most common and important components in the electric system of fluid manufacturing equipment. It not only plays the role of turning on and off the on/off electric valve, but also helps to control the force direction and the speed when closing and opening the valve. So it is vital to calculate the accurate data to select the proper electric device for valve to avoid the potential overload.

Firstly, it is essential to identify the parameters of constantly running, dynamic and static torque of the valve. According to the calculation of the parameters, we can divide the torque of valve into two different situations, which is the static torque (suitable for long term running) and the dynamic torque (suitable for short term running, such as when the valve is closed or opened). Generally speaking, static torque requires twice of the dynamic torque, so it is important to calculate both of them precisely.

Secondly, the differences between static versus dynamic torque should be taken into consideration when selecting the electric device of valve. The static torque will bring a higher impact when the device is operating, which leads to more wear and tear. It is necessary to choose the electric device with higher limit of torque while minimizing the rated load, e.g. replace a 1HP device with a 4HP device so that it can meet the dynamic torque.

Thirdly, it is important to ensure the electric device of valve to be in good condition and be able to remain efficient for a longer period of time under static or dynamic torque conditions. Choosing the carefully insulated electric device and running the device in proper temperature environment should be taken into considerations when selecting the proper electric device for the valve.

Finally, in order to reduce the risk of overload and minimize any potential problem, it is important to also take preventive measures as part of regular maintenance. Inspecting the electric device of valve on a regular basis and using the proper test equipment to check its workability will help to ensure the electric device is not under excess pressure.

In conclusion, an overload condition might occur if an inadequate and improper electric device of valve is selected, which may result in underperformance or dysfunction of the whole system. Thus, it is very important to select the appropriate electric device of valve in order to prevent any overload from happening and keep the system running smoothly and efficiently.

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