PetroChina Jilin Petrochemical Company

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China Petroleum Jilin Petrochemical Co., Ltd China Petroleum Jilin Petrochemical Co., Ltd. is one of the leading oil and petrochemical companies in China. It is an industrial enterprise of the State Council and the National Development and Reform Commission and is a wholly state-owned enterprise......

China Petroleum Jilin Petrochemical Co., Ltd

China Petroleum Jilin Petrochemical Co., Ltd. is one of the leading oil and petrochemical companies in China. It is an industrial enterprise of the State Council and the National Development and Reform Commission and is a wholly state-owned enterprise of China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (SINOPEC).

China Petroleum Jilin Petrochemical Co., Ltd. was established since December 14, 1981 as the Jilin Petrochemical Enterprise and beginning operations in 1985. It is one of Chinas earliest and largest oil and petrochemicals enterprises, situated in Jilin province, in the north east of China. Since the establishment of China Petroleum Jilin Petrochemical Co., Ltd., the business of the company is growing by leaps and bounds to include oil refining and chemical products, materials, engineering and construction projects, real estate development and financial investment.

China Petroleum Jilin Petrochemical Co., Ltd. has a long-term strategy that maintains an innovative drive, with the aid of advanced science and technology, by keeping a close watch on product development and changing customer demands in order to promote the top-notch performance of refining and chemical products and ensure safe and efficient operation with full use of resources. At the same time, the company puts a lot of emphasis on research and development, actively participates in international trade, and promotes technological promotion, equipment production, and technology transfer.

China Petroleum Jilin Petrochemical Co., Ltd. is committed to environmental protection and energy conservation, always striving to improve its production technology, promote the development of benign system and always maintaining the standards of environmental protection. The company works to develop the concepts of energy conservation, and by actively conducting research on energy conservation technologies and processes, strives to improve the energy efficiency, reduce energy consumption and increase energy utilization rates.

The company also puts into practice green, low-carbon and degradable techniques by means of resource cycle, high-efficiency utilization, environmental friendly and energy conservation. In order to further enhance the corporate responsibility, China Petroleum Jilin Petrochemical Co., Ltd. actively invests on the social responsibility and contributes to their community through their corporate charity projects, educational and ecological projects, etc.

The company is taking vast strides in their pursuit of excellence and the improvement of management and operational levels. In domestic and international markets, the company is rapidly expanding its presence and strives for sustainable development. Moreover, with their strong customer support and Commitment to become a world-class enterprise, China Petroleum Jilin Petrochemical Co., Ltd. is confident in creating a bright future in the oil and petrochemical industry.

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