CAD part of the Chinese-English comparison table of UG terminology

Glossary 378 1068 Sarah

CAD Terms English-Chinese Reference Table A-E Absolute Coordinates: 绝对坐标 A function within a CAD program that requests that a user enter the exact X, Y, Z coordinates for a point or block. Analog: 模拟 A data transmission system which is capable of tracing a signal in a continuous method,......

CAD Terms English-Chinese Reference Table


Absolute Coordinates: 绝对坐标

A function within a CAD program that requests that a user enter the exact X, Y, Z coordinates for a point or block.

Analog: 模拟

A data transmission system which is capable of tracing a signal in a continuous method, from the start of the signal to the end. Analog signal data is easily distorted and is not as reliable as digital data.

Arc: 弧

A curve drawn in a CAD program with a specified radius, that has a start and end point, which can be defined as clockwise (CW) or counterclockwise (CCW).

Bitmap: 位图工具

A type of data used in graphics programs which requires a large amount of disk storage due to the number of individual pixels which need to be stored.

Block: 块

A group of similar drawing symbols in a CAD program which have been treated as a single object. Blocks can be created, saved, and inserted into a drawing, and are often easier to manipulate than individual drawing symbols.


CADD: 计算机辅助设计和制造

Acronym for Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD). CADD is a type of software used in the design and engineering fields to create precise two and three dimensional drawings.

Crosshairs: 十字准线

Two parallel, orthogonal lines within a CAD program which are normally used as a pointing device. The lines meet at a point in the center of the screen and can be used to indicate a point or set of coordinates.

Database: 数据库

A file storage system within a CAD program that contains information associated with one or more drawings. For example, a database can store information about objects in a drawing such as size, color, type, etc.

Drawing: 图纸

A completed CAD drawing which represents an accurate two or three dimensional representation of an object.

Element: 元素

An individual item within a drawing which can be manipulated independently. Examples of elements include lines, circles, arcs, text, etc.


Object Snapping: 对象捕捉

A process within a CAD program which allows a user to create or modify shapes and objects with a high level of precision. Object snapping can be used to snap points or objects to a specific location, or to a set of coordinates.

Output: 输出

The process of printing or displaying a drawing created in a CAD program. Output can be in the form of an image, a printed drawing, or a PDF file.

Points: 点

Individual pieces of data within a CAD drawing which represent the location of an object on the screen. Points can also be used to connect lines and arcs, creating more complex shapes.

Raster: 栅格

A type of data used in graphics programs to represent an image on the screen. Raster images are made up of individual pixels which are arranged in a grid formation.


Scaling: 缩放

A method of changing the size of an object in a CAD drawing. Scaling can be done automatically by the program, or manually by the user.

Selection: 选择

The act of choosing a specific object or objects in a CAD drawing. Objects can be selected with a pointing device such as a mouse, or by manually entering coordinates.

Text: 文本

Words or phrases that can be inserted into a CAD drawing that can be manipulated and formatted to a user’s preference.

Viewport: 视口

A section of the screen within a CAD program where a drawing can be viewed and manipulated. Each viewport is assigned its own set of Gridlines and Scale.

Wipeout: 擦除

A command within a CAD program which removes selected objects, or parts of objects, from a drawing, without actually deleting them. Wipeouts can be used to hide an object or area of a drawing temporarily.

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