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Pablo Picasso was one of the worlds most iconic and influential modern artists. His works range from paintings to sculptures and are some of the most recognizable in the world. Even though he is most famous for his cubism style of painting, he created many other works in his lifetime. From the Blu......

Pablo Picasso was one of the worlds most iconic and influential modern artists. His works range from paintings to sculptures and are some of the most recognizable in the world. Even though he is most famous for his cubism style of painting, he created many other works in his lifetime. From the Blue Period to the abstract art of his later years, Picassos works of art provide an insight into the mind of one of the most famous and important artists of the 20th century.

Pablo Picasso was born in Malaga, Spain in 1881. At an early age, he was given drawing lessons by his father, an art teacher. His artistic talent was evident from the start and developed quickly. He moved to Paris in 1904 and quickly became immersed in the artistic community. There he met other like-minded artists, such as Juan Gris, who would greatly influence his later works. He also worked as a ceramicist and sculptor, creating works in a variety of media.

Picassos earliest works were mainly figurative, some of them being portraits of famous or influential people. His later works, starting from 1906, were the beginning of his cubism phase. This period is known for its fragmented composition and abstracted subjects. Picasso worked in this cubist style until the end of his career, making it his most recognizable style.

During his blue period, Picassos artworks depicted scenes of sorrow and solitude. These dark, monochromatic paintings were created as a response to the death of a close friend in 1901. The blue color of his paintings is a reflection of his mood during this period. Additionally, Picasso created a series of portraits of circus performers and acrobats during this period, showcasing his range in subject matter.

Picasso also created many sculptures to accompany his paintings. In bronze, marble, and stone, these sculptures took on a realistic and abstracted form. One of the most notable series was his ‘Head of a Bull’, which included a number of sculptures formed to resemble a bull’s head. These were often inspired by the sketches he created in his entire career.

The last two decades of Picasso’s life were filled with abstract works of art. These works were composed from a variety of materials, including ceramics, prints, gouaches, and collages. His later works were minimalist, often composed of simplified shapes, figures, and geometric forms.

At the point of his death, in 1973, Picasso had completed over 20,000 works of art. During his lifetime, he created pieces in a wide range of media, from drawings to paintings and sculptures. His works are represented in some of the world’s most famous art museums, such as the Picasso Museum in Barcelona and the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York.

Picasso’s works have influenced generations of artists, including surrealists and abstract expressionists. He is remembered as one of the greats of Western art, and his legacy will continue to be celebrated for many years to come.

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