Problems that should be paid attention to in the use of small four-wheel tractors

Introduction The use of small four-wheel tractors (STTs) is becoming increasingly popular among farmers and it is no surprise to see why. These powerful and versatile machines are capable of a wide range of tasks, from ploughing, tilling and discing, to drawing trailer loads. While they are an inv......


The use of small four-wheel tractors (STTs) is becoming increasingly popular among farmers and it is no surprise to see why. These powerful and versatile machines are capable of a wide range of tasks, from ploughing, tilling and discing, to drawing trailer loads. While they are an invaluable tool, it is important to be aware of the potential risks and to take necessary precautions when using an STT. This article will discuss a few of the key issues to be aware of when using an STT.


The most important thing to remember when using an STT is safety. Operators should always wear appropriate safety clothing, including safety glasses, steel-toed boots and a hard hat. It is also important to be aware of the loading limit of the machine and to ensure that it is not overloaded. Additionally, it is important to take the time to inspect the machine before use, checking all potentially dangerous areas, such as the brakes, tyres and steering mechanisms.

Environmental Issues

The use of an STT has the potential to cause significant environmental damage and it is important to be mindful of this when using the machine. Where possible, operators should minimise the amount of land disturbed by the machine and refrain from travelling across delicate ecosystems such as wetlands and peat lands. Additionally, it is important to be aware of the emissions produced by the machine and to try to use it in a way that minimises pollution.


The use of an STT can significantly improve the productivity of a farm. To get the most out of the machine, it is important to be aware that the different tasks require different settings and adjustments on the machine. Operators should take the time to familiarise themselves with all the different controls and settings on the machine, in order to use it effectively and efficiently. It is also important to remember to regularly check and maintain the machine, to prevent breakdowns and to ensure peak performance.


The use of an STT can be beneficial in many ways, however it is important to be aware of the potential risks and hazards when doing so. Operators should always ensure that they are wearing the correct safety clothing, that the machine is not overloaded and that it is regularly serviced and maintained. Additionally, it is important to use the machine in a way that minimises environmental damage and to ensure that the settings are correct to get the maximum efficiency and productivity out of the machine. By taking the necessary steps and being mindful of the potential risks, operators can take advantage of the many benefits of using an STT, while keeping themselves and the environment safe.

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