Deciding on the best loan repayment approach is a critical personal finance decision. To ensure that an individual’s long-term financial goals are achieved, loan repayment strategies should take into account both overall financial picture, budget and goals.
Debt Reduction Strategies
The most important debt reduction strategies are to pay off high interest rate debts first, work on increasing income, and budgeting expenses. Prioritizing debts with the highest interest rates and making extra payments on those debts can save hundreds or even thousands of dollars in interest over the life of the loan. Additionally, working to increase income by taking on additional employment or through seeking out a higher paying job can lead to bigger payments and a quicker debt payoff schedule. Expense budgeting is of equal importance, setting capped spending limits and spending strictly within that budget is the best way to get debt under control.
Negotiating Debt
Another effective repayment strategy is debt negotiation. Instead of continually making minimum payments, negotiate a lower repayment plan with creditors. Most creditors opt for a settlement agreement in lieu of late payments, collections, and potential lawsuit. This can reduce the overall amount of the outstanding loan balance making it much more manageable. Further, creditors may be more willing to work with debtors as a tradeoff for getting any money back due to the crippling effects of Covid-19.
Snowball Methodology
One effective repayment strategy is to use the snowball method. With the snowball method, focus on paying off the smallest debt first while making minimum payments on the other debts. This gives a quick ‘win’ that can be a huge motivation to continue tackling the next debt. As each debt is paid off, the freed-up funds are used to pay down the next debt, creating a snowball effect and building momentum with each debt payoff.
Refinancing a loan, also known as debt consolidation, can help reduce interest rates and lower monthly payments. Subsequent debt payments can either be spread out over a longer term, potentially reducing monthly payments, or kept at a similar amount, leading to a much quicker debt payoff. Refinancing may be beneficial for those with good credit who meet the lenders requirements.
Effective repayment strategies, such as those presented, can help individuals better manage debt, pay off their loans faster, and save money on interest over the life of the loan. Deciding on the best repayment strategy should depend upon an individual’s overall financial picture, including their budget and financial goals, and the debt terms. Additionally, individuals should consider the consequences of late payments, collections and potential lawsuit when deciding how best to manage debt.