GB 15562.1-1995 Environmental protection pictorial signs - discharge port

GB 15562.1-1995 Environment Protection Symbol Logo – Exhaust The GB 15562.1-1995 Environment Protection Symbol Logo project is an international symbol standards regarding emission restrictions, serving to raise public awareness about pollution and its adverse effects to both the environment and ......

GB 15562.1-1995 Environment Protection Symbol Logo – Exhaust

The GB 15562.1-1995 Environment Protection Symbol Logo project is an international symbol standards regarding emission restrictions, serving to raise public awareness about pollution and its adverse effects to both the environment and human health. The exhaust symbol, one of the most widely-known Environmental Protection Symbol Logo, is a result of the standardization effort.

The exhaust symbol is primarily used to indicate the location of a device which exhausts smoke, gas, dust and other substances into the atmosphere. This symbol is used to quickly identify emission sources in a given area, or to give notice to local citizens and surrounding neighbors of a potential area of danger or nuisance. It should always be placed in an area that is clearly visible and prominently displayed, typically on a flag pole or large sign, as applicable.

The symbol consists of an emitting end, which typically is formed by a black triangle or series of arrows, pointing diagonally upwards. At the receiving end, there is a white circle, a dashed line around the top half of it and a border line around the bottom. The alternating white and black sections of the symbol indicate the intensity of the emissions, the lower portion being darker to suggest more intense emissions.

The emission of smoke should be noted, if present, through the addition of a white puff of smoke emitting from the triangle at the emitting end of the symbol. The symbol should also be accompanied by a clear warning sign. when used inside buildings, however, the symbol should be black and devoid of emission indications, as described above.

Overall, the GB 15562.1-1995 Environment Protection Symbol Logo project is instrumental in helping local governments and other regional authorities to quickly identify and alert the public of potential hazardous conditions. By displaying these symbols in highly populated areas, it can help to reduce the levels of emissions in the long run and promote sustainability of our environment.

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