Mills-Snow model

Introduction The Myers-SNO Model was devised in 1925 by the psychology professor and theorist Edward Charles Stuart Myers and his colleague Kenneth J.K. Snook. However, it is only recently that the Myers-SNO model has been recognized for its contributions to the understanding of personality devel......


The Myers-SNO Model was devised in 1925 by the psychology professor and theorist Edward Charles Stuart Myers and his colleague Kenneth J.K. Snook. However, it is only recently that the Myers-SNO model has been recognized for its contributions to the understanding of personality development. Myers-SNO is a progressive model that looks at multiple aspects of the self, including identity, personality and behavior. This model, although not as well-known as some of the other prominent psychological models, is gaining attention due to its unique approach and its relevance to todays society.


Myers-SNO is built on the idea that the self consists of three components: the self-ideas, the personality and the behavior. Each of these components are seen as interrelated and affect each other in daily life. The self-ideas consist of the individuals beliefs, values, and interpretations of the world. These self-ideas create the personality, which is the individuals set of behaviors, attitudes and habits. Finally, the behavior is the result of the self-ideas and the personality, forming the actions and responses that the individual takes in everyday situations.

Myers-SNO is a dynamic model, meaning that all the components of the self interact in such a way that the individual adapts and changes over time. As the individual interacts with the environment, their self-ideas evolve and their personality changes. This is how the individual develops and grows throughout their life span.

By looking at each of the components of the self, Myers-SNO offers a comprehensive way of understanding why people act and behave the way they do. It helps explain why behavior differs from person to person, as well as why different age groups respond differently in different environments. Due to its relative complexity compared to other psychological models, many find it difficult to understand. Nevertheless, when properly understood, it provides a valuable tool in understanding human behavior.

The Identity Component

The identity component of the Myers-SNO model is the thoughts and feelings that an individual has about themselves. This is built on the self-concept, which is how an individual defines themselves. It includes dimensions such as age, gender, ethnicity, nationality, and religion. The self-concept also encompasses how an individual views themselves in terms of their strengths, weaknesses, values and attitudes. All these aspects of the self-concept form the individual’s identity.

The Personality Component

The personality component is made up of the attitudes, thoughts and behaviours of an individual. This is the way that the individual expresses themselves. It includes their social roles, values, goals and motivations. The personality component is what determines the individual’s behaviour. This can range from outgoing and sociable to introverted and shy.

The Behavior Component

The behavior component of the Myers-SNO model is the choices and actions that the individual carries out. It is a result of the self-ideas and the personality interacting together. The behavior component is the way that the individual brings their beliefs and values into the world. It is the way that the individual uses their skills, abilities and knowledge to influence the environment and make things happen in the world.


The Myers-SNO Model is an important model for understanding human behavior and personality development. It looks at the individual as a dynamic, interconnected whole involving components of the self including identity, personality and behavior. By understanding how these components interact and influence each other, the Myers-SNO Model provides valuable insight into why people act and behave the way they do. It is a complex model, however, if proper understood, it can be a helpful tool in understanding human behavior.

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