Cause analysis and treatment of "limit alarm" of CNC machine tools

Analysis and Processing of the Limit Alarm of CNC Machine Tools At present, CNC machine tools are widely used in industry, and their application also brings us great convenience.However, with the increase of the application of CNC machine tools, its malfunction and failure have become a big probl......

Analysis and Processing of the Limit Alarm of CNC Machine Tools

At present, CNC machine tools are widely used in industry, and their application also brings us great convenience.However, with the increase of the application of CNC machine tools, its malfunction and failure have become a big problem.Therefore, through this article, the cause of the limit alarm of CNC machine tools will be discussed, and a corresponding solution will be given.

The limit alarm of CNC machine tools usually occurs when the machine tool is running. Specifically, errors will occur when the specific signal is not detected after the machine tool runs for a certain distance, thus prompting the computer to issue a hint signal of limit alarm, which can be seen from the instructions of certain commands on the operation box.

In fact, the occurrence of limit alarm of CNC machine tools is due to various reasons, such as mechanical failure or improper programming.In terms of mechanical failure, the main cause is that the lead screw has a large backlash and the replacement of the worn parts is delayed. In addition, looseness of the structures and components of the machine tool can also cause limit alarm.

In terms of programming, the main problem is the wrong setting of tool path limits and logical errors in tool path programming.In particular, when programming the tool path limits, the operator should pay attention to setting the appropriate values, which should be in line with the actual situation.The logical errors in the tool path programming are mostly the result of inadvertent mistakes made by the programmer when programming.

In view of the possible causes of the limit alarm of CNC machine tools, corresponding solutions should be taken to treat it.For mechanical failure, the most effective way is to replace worn parts in time.At the same time, it is necessary to check whether the lead screw has a large backlash, the structure and components of the machine tool are loose, the damage of the machine tool transmission parts, and the wear of hydraulic parts and electrical components.In this way, the mechanical factors causing the error can be eliminated, and the operation can be safely continued.

For programming errors, first of all, it is necessary to check whether the tool path limits are set correctly. Then, check whether there are logical errors in the programming and modify them.At the same time, if necessary, the programmer can also modify the tool path programming to reduce the generation of errors.

To sum up, limit alarm arises from different causes.Once the limit alarm is issued, we should take appropriate measures to deal with it.In the face of mechanical failure, it is necessary to replace the worn parts and check other related aspects.For programming errors, it is necessary to check the tool path limits and modify logical errors in programming to ensure safe operation.

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