Typical Defects of Forgings of Alloy Structural Steel and Alloy Tool Steel - Forging Cracks

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Typical Defects of Forge Pieces Made of Alloy Structural Steel and Alloy Tool Steel The forging of alloy structural steel and alloy tool steel products is a popular method of forming such materials into various shapes and sizes. In the process of forging these materials, certain types of defect......

Typical Defects of Forge Pieces Made of Alloy Structural Steel and Alloy Tool Steel

The forging of alloy structural steel and alloy tool steel products is a popular method of forming such materials into various shapes and sizes. In the process of forging these materials, certain types of defects are likely to occur. This article will discuss some of the most common defects of forge pieces made from alloy structural steel and alloy tool steel, their causes, and how to avoid them.

The most common type of defect seen in forge pieces made of alloy structural steel and alloy tool steel is forging cracks. These cracks are typically caused by the abrupt cooling of the material which occurs when it is removed from the forge. This rapid cooling creates increased stresses on the material and can lead to cracking. In order to avoid this, care should be taken to ensure that the material is cooled slowly once removed from the forge in order to avoid cracking.

A second common defect seen in forge pieces made of alloy structural steel and alloy tool steel is an increased concentration of hard particles. These hard particles can have a variety of causes, from dirt or scale which has entered the forge during the forging process to inclusions and non-metallic particles which are present in the material. If these particles are left in the forge and are not cleaned out, they can lead to a hardened layer which increases friction and can prevent a successful forging operation. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the forge is clean and free from any debris prior to starting a forging operation.

Another type of defect which can occur in forging pieces from alloy structural steel and alloy tool steel is the formation of tabular graphite. This type of defect is formed when the material cools too slowly and forms a graphite layer which has formed a sheet-like structure. This sheet-like structure can lead to increased stress in the forge piece, which can ultimately lead to cracking or other defects. In order to avoid this type of defect, it is important to ensure that the material is cooled rapidly following forging.

Finally, another type of defect which can occur in forge pieces made from alloy structural steel and alloy tool steel is a lack of weld penetration. In this case, when the pieces are welded together, the weld does not completely penetrate the materials and can lead to weak welds and/or cracking. This type of defect is commonly caused by poor welding technique as well as incorrect welding parameters. Therefore, it is essential that the correct welding parameters and techniques are used in order to ensure a strong and reliable weld.

In conclusion, there are several types of defects which can occur in forge pieces made of alloy structural steel and alloy tool steel. These include forging cracks, increased concentration of hard particles, tabular graphite, and a lack of weld penetration. In order to prevent these types of defects, it is important to take the necessary steps before and during the forging process in order to ensure that the forge piece meets all requirements. Additionally, it is essential that welders utilize the correct techniques and parameters in order to ensure that the welds on the forge piece are as strong and reliable as possible. By taking these precautions, it is possible to ensure that the forge pieces meet the necessary standards and are able to withstand the desired loads and components.

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