Vertical Ring Magnetic Separator

Introduction A Ring-type magnetic separator (RMS) is a device used for separating magnetic material from non-magnetic material. This separator can be used for separating different kinds of materials, such as ferrous and non-ferrous metals, as well as coal. This type of separator can be used for s......


A Ring-type magnetic separator (RMS) is a device used for separating magnetic material from non-magnetic material. This separator can be used for separating different kinds of materials, such as ferrous and non-ferrous metals, as well as coal. This type of separator can be used for separating a wide variety of materials, including metal and non-metallic particles. The RMS consists of a ring of magnetic material, which is placed around a central axis. A field of strong magnetic force is applied to the ring in an inward direction, which causes the particles to stick to the magnet.

Working Principle

The RMS uses the principle of magnetic separation to separate different materials. Magnetic particles are attracted to the strong magnetic field generated by the RMS and stick to the surface of the ring. As the particles move along the surface of the ring, they move away from the strongest magnetic force and are separated from the non-magnetic material where they can then be collected for further processing.


RMS separator have wide range of applications in mineral processing, the chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and the food industry. It is used for sorting and separating various types of minerals, such as gold and coal, as well as lead and zinc, etc. RMS separator is also used in the purification of industrial liquids and sewage treatment processes. This type of separator is also used for separating metallic particles like iron and steel in the recycling industry as well as in factories making steel products.


RMS is an effective and efficient magnetic separator that allows for the separation of ferrous and non-ferrous materials with good efficiency. It is also useful for sorting and separating different minerals, as well as separating particles of different sizes. It is also relatively inexpensive compared to other types of magnetic separators, which makes it an ideal choice for many industrial use cases. RMS also works in hazardous environment due to its rugged construction.


Thedisadvantage of Ring-type magnetic separator (RMS)is that it is not very effective for separating particles of extremely small sizes. It also has high maintenance cost due to its complex mechanical components. Lastly, this type of separator can be noisy due to the movement of the ring.


In conclusion, the Ring-type magnetic separator (RMS) is an effective and efficient separator for separating different types of materials. It is a relatively inexpensive and simple device, which makes it an ideal choice for many industrial operations. Although there are some disadvantages associated with this device, its good efficiency and versatility more than make up for it.

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