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China-US Trade War The United States and China have been engaged in a protracted trade war since 2018. The conflict began with the US imposing tariffs on $250 billion of Chinese goods in 2018 and retaliatory tariffs by China. In 2019, the US imposed additional tariffs on a further $300 billion of......

China-US Trade War

The United States and China have been engaged in a protracted trade war since 2018. The conflict began with the US imposing tariffs on $250 billion of Chinese goods in 2018 and retaliatory tariffs by China. In 2019, the US imposed additional tariffs on a further $300 billion of Chinese products.

The main item in the trade war has been the numerous tariffs applied by both sides as part of their protectionist policies to protect their industries from international competition. The US equates free trade with protectionism, meaning that it does not favor open markets and is willing to use tariffs and other non-tariff barriers as a means of protecting its own economy. The US accuses China of various forms of unfair trade practices such as dumping products, currency manipulation, and forced technology transfer. China has accused the US of deliberately blocking its economic growth.

The effects of the tariffs have been wide ranging, affecting both economic and financial markets worldwide. The trade war has resulted in a sharp rise in the cost of consumer goods in both countries and has caused economic growth to slow. It has also created an atmosphere of uncertainty in financial markets, leading to a selloff of stocks and an increase in risk aversion. There have also been fears that the trade war could lead to a global recession.

The conflict between the two countries does not appear likely to end soon. The US and China will likely remain at odds for the foreseeable future, and the two countries have so far been unable to reach a mutually satisfactory resolution. In the meantime, the prolonged conflict is having damaging economic impacts on both countries and the global economy.


The trade war between the United States and China has been a damaging conflict for both countries and for the global economy. With no sign of an immediate resolution, the conflict is likely to continue for the foreseeable future, with fears of a global recession looming. The best hope for both countries is to come to a mutually acceptable agreement, reducing or eliminating the tariffs and other protectionist measures that have been put in place. Although this may not be easy to achieve, it is the only way to reduce the economic costs of the trade war and ensure a prosperous future for both countries.

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