No base bid evaluation

Finance and Economics 3239 06/07/2023 1039 Avery

Introduction Non-Bidding Evaluation (NBE) is a method of evaluating and selecting suppliers or contractors that focuses on evaluating capabilities and qualifications, rather than competing on price. This technique is increasingly used in industrial, engineering and construction projects and comp......


Non-Bidding Evaluation (NBE) is a method of evaluating and selecting suppliers or contractors that focuses on evaluating capabilities and qualifications, rather than competing on price. This technique is increasingly used in industrial, engineering and construction projects and competitive bidding and contracting processes such as competitive bidding and contractor selection. The technique is a cost-effective way of operating and does not involve lengthy selection processes.

Advantages of Non-Bidding Evaluation

NBE is advantageous for both companies and contractors. It speeds up the process of finding the best suppliers, and it allows them to choose from a much larger pool of qualified candidates. NBE also eliminates the risk of bidders’ colluding and inflated bids, which can lead to higher costs for companies. Additionally, the method encourages companies to hone in on specific performance measures, enabling them to clearly identify what it is they need from the contractor.

The focus of NBE on specific performance measures allows companies to quantify factors such as quality, safety, delivery, price and terms of payment in order to determine which contractor best meets their requirements. It also allows companies to evaluate any risks associated with awarding contracts to a particular contractor, as well as to identify which contractor possesses the necessary qualifications to be successful.

Disadvantages of Non-Bidding Evaluation

The main disadvantage of NBE is that it can be time-consuming and expensive. As the evaluation process involves assessing a large number of candidates and their qualifications, it can take considerably longer than the traditional bidding process. In addition, the process requires resources and hiring personnel to manage the evaluation, which can result in additional overhead costs.

Another potential disadvantage of NBE is the preference for certain suppliers or contractors. This can lead to favoritism and a lack of transparency in the contracting process, which can lead to a risk of certain companies or contractors being chosen without due consideration to the best quality or price. Furthermore, it is argued that NBE does not guarantee the best price for products or services.


Non-Bidding Evaluation is an increasingly popular method of contract selection, particularly in industrial and engineering projects. The technique has many advantages such as improving the speed of the selection process and reducing the risk of bidders colluding. However, there are also drawbacks such as increased time and costs associated with the selection process, as well as the risk of favoritism and a lack of transparency. Ultimately, the best method of selection will depend on the specific requirements of the project and the company’s resources and budget.

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Finance and Economics 3239 2023-07-06 1039 LuminarySky

No-Base Evaluation is also known as no-mark base evaluation, which directly evaluates the price, quality, after-sales service, delivery time and other factors of the project, and bids directly based on the evaluation results. It eliminates the scoring bias produced by different bidders, so that pr......

No-Base Evaluation is also known as no-mark base evaluation, which directly evaluates the price, quality, after-sales service, delivery time and other factors of the project, and bids directly based on the evaluation results. It eliminates the scoring bias produced by different bidders, so that precisely selects the optimal contractor.

No-base evaluation is suitable for owners who worry about the risk of more than two bids, and owners who pay more attention to technical conditions.

No base bidding generally covers five steps. First, the owner clarifies the main indicators of evaluation in the bidding document, such as price, quality, delivery time, service and other indicators.

Second, the bidder submits a clear evaluation of each indicator in the bid, and the owner evaluates and approves the bidders evaluation.

Third, within the time limit, the bidders evaluate the basis of their bid in each indicator, and submit a summary of the evaluation results.

Fourth, the owner evaluates the suggested electronic graph and data in the summary and compares the bid evaluation results.

Fifth, the owner evaluates the total amount of the bid, analyzes the evaluation results of various indicators, and finally makes a decision about the contractor.

No-base Evaluation has some advantages. It can reduce the subjectivity of the bidder, avoid the bias of evaluation, and select the most suitable bidders. It also has some disadvantages. For example, the basis of evaluation may be too strict, and it is difficult to evaluate the whole project accurately.

No-Base Bidding is becoming increasingly popular. It is especially suitable for complicated projects, and its fairness and justice can be guaranteed more effectively. It can ensure that the most suitable bidders are selected, and the best interests of contractors are also taken into full consideration.

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