Shrink the contract

Unsealing Contract This Agreement shall be deemed Unsealed this day of , 20__. Whereas, the parties, [Party A] and [Party B], entered into a contract on [date], with the intention of performing the following: 1. [Description of the agreement]. 2. [Description of the agreement]. 3. [Descr......

Unsealing Contract

This Agreement shall be deemed Unsealed this day of , 20__.

Whereas, the parties, [Party A] and [Party B], entered into a contract on [date], with the intention of performing the following:

1. [Description of the agreement].

2. [Description of the agreement].

3. [Description of the agreement]

Whereas, the Parties wish to Unseal said contract and thereby terminate their contractual obligations as detailed above;

Now, therefore, it is agreed that the parties do hereby Unseal the Contract, effective immediately, and do release one another from all of the contractual obligations and responsibilities set forth in the Contract.

It is further agreed that the Parties each waive any and all rights, claims or causes of action of any type and of any kind, whatsoever, that may or could accrue or arise out of the aforementioned Contract.

In witness whereof, the parties have executed this Unsealing on the date written above.

[Party A]

[Party B]

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