EN 10149/2-1995 Delivery conditions of hot deformed rolled steel

properties of steel 565 14/06/2023 1061 Avery

EN10149/2-1995 Hot-rolled flat products made of high yield strength steels for cold forming-Delivery conditions 1.Scope This European Standard specifies the delivery conditions for thermomechanically rolled flat products (sheets,plates,strip and wide flats) made of high yield strength steels for......

EN10149/2-1995 Hot-rolled flat products made of high yield strength steels for cold forming-Delivery conditions


This European Standard specifies the delivery conditions for thermomechanically rolled flat products (sheets,plates,strip and wide flats) made of high yield strength steels for cold forming.

2.Normative References

The following standards contain provisions which,through reference in this text,constitute provisions of this European Standard.Relationship with these standards is shown in Relationship with other standards.Latest edition of the referenced documents shall be used.

•EN 10025:1990 Hot rolled products of non-alloy structural steels Part 2:Tolerances on dimensions and shape

•EN 10051:1991 Continuously hot-rolled uncoated plate,sheet and strip of non-alloy and alloy steels -Tolerances on dimensions and shapes

•EN 10111:1998 Continuously hot-rolled low carbon steel sheet and strip for cold forming-

•EN 10113-1:1993 Hot-rolled products in weldable fine grain structural steels-Part 1:Delivery conditions for normalized/normalized rolled steels

•EN 10020:2000 Definition and classification of grades of steel

•EN 10045-1:1991 Metallic materials-Charpy impact test Method of test Part 1:Test method

•EN 10204:1991 Metallic products-Types of inspection documents

3.Technical Conditions


The steel grades subject of this European Standard,obtained by thermomechanically rolling,shall comply with the requirements of Table 1 below,listed as follows:

•Yield strength,R e or R m

•Tensile strength,Rm


•Total elongation,A

•Impact energy value,P

•Impact energy value under room temperature,P0


•Minimal Piezo strain,e

•Minimal friction strain,e

•Mechanical and technological properties at temperatures of 350mm below Normalising Rolling

•Microstructure requirements

•Strip thickness

•Test report

Table 1 Steel Grades

The steel grades shall be supplied in the delivery condition as agreed between the manufacturer and customer.

3.2.Chemical Composition

The product chemical composition shall comply with the requirements given in Table 2 below.

Table2 Chemical Composition

3.3.Delivery Condition

The product shall comply with the requirements given in Table 3 below.

Table3 Delivery Condition

•As rolled

•Normalised and tempered

•Melted formed

•Sacrificed annealed



The products shall comply with the requirements of EN 10025,EN 10051 and EN10111 as applicable.


The product tolerances shall comply with the requirements given in Table 4 below.

Table 4 Tolerances

•Thickness tolerances

•Flatness tolerances

•Tolerance on the overlength of full length sheets,plates and wide flats

3.6.Test report

The product test report shall be supplied with the product,in accordance with EN 10204.

4.Surface Conditions

The external surface of the product shall be free from scale and rust and may have oxidation marks due to the thermomechanical rolling process.


The product shall have a distinct outline,evenness of thickness and uniform properties in the plane of the product.No defects that could significantly decrease their strength or service performance should be present.


Products shall be marked with the following:

•Steel grade

•The size,thickness of plate

•The number of cooling steps

•Heat number

•Process route

7.Relationship with other standards

This European Standard is related to the current edition of the following standards:

•EN 10025:1990 Non Alloy Structural Steels

•EN 10051:1991 Continuously Hot Rolled Uncoated Plate,Sheet and Strip of Non Alloy and Alloy Steels-Tolerances on Dimensions and Shapes

•EN 10111:1998 Continuously Hot-rolled Low Carbon Steel Sheet and Strip for Cold Forming

•EN 10113-1:1993 Hot-rolled Products in Weldable Fine Grain Steels-Part 1:Delivery Conditions for Normalised/Normalised Rolled Steels

•EN 10020:2000 Definition and Classification of Grades of Steel

•EN 10045-1:1991 Metallic Materials-Charpy Impact Test Method of Test-Part 1:Test Method

•EN 10204:1991 Metallic Products-Types of Inspection Documents


The product shall be supplied in suitable packages to prevent any damage during the transport.The packaging shall include the heat number,supplier,customer and additional information as agreed between the parties.


Transportation shall be handled with appropriate care.The transport documents shall include the heat-number,supplier and customer information and additional information as agreed between the parties.

10.Final Provision

This European standard does not have any provisions related to safety.It does not apply to products that are a tailoring of steel grades included in EN 10025 and EN 10113-1.It does not apply to any specific application and is not to be used to limit or exclude the liability of the manufacturer in any other legal contract.

本欧盟标准规定了用于冷成形的高屈服强度冶金板材的交货条件。适用的材料包括钢板、厚钢板、宽厚板和大规格的钢带,采用热机械轧制工艺而得到,表面清洁平整,毛玻璃面未处理,可采用钢部件尺寸及形状之公差符合EN 10025、EN 10051和EN 10111要求。根据钢材屈服强度、材种、尺寸及产品外形,确定适用不同的交货条件。材料供货前需经供货者及客户双方认可,给出化学成份、屈服强度、抗拉强度以及延性指标等具体要求,获得欧盟标准EN 10204规定的检验文件,再经冷轧试验认可后方可销售。

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properties of steel 565 2023-06-14 1061 "Everly"

Hot-Rolled Flat Products Made of High-Yield Strength Steels for Cold Forming – Delivery Specifications This standard specifies the delivery specifications of hot-rolled products made of high-yield strength steels (hereinafter referred to as flat products) to be used in cold forming operations. T......

Hot-Rolled Flat Products Made of High-Yield Strength Steels for Cold Forming – Delivery Specifications

This standard specifies the delivery specifications of hot-rolled products made of high-yield strength steels (hereinafter referred to as flat products) to be used in cold forming operations. This standard is applicable to steels with minimum specified yield strengths of 260-500 MPa as listed in Table 1.

Table 1: Minimum Specified Yield Strengths

Grade 260 MPa 280 MPa 315 MPa 355 MPa 420 MPa 500 MPa

The main requirements of this standard are:

1. The width, thickness and length of flat products must meet the requirements stipulated in the order;

2. The shape and dimensions of these flat products must be tailored according to the ultimate user’s technical requirements;

3. All deliveries must contain the data required in this standard;

4. When specified, the surface treatment used on the flat products must meet the following requirements:

• Partially degreased - before bleaching, pickling, annealing, etc.;

• Coated products - must meet the requirements outlined in the order;

• Passivated products - must be finished in a manner suitable to ensure passivation;

5. The level of inspection must meet the requirements listed in this standard;

6. Thermal modification must be applied if specified in the order.

This standard also covers additional requirements for materials related to packaging, labeling and preservation methods of flat products.

This standard does not apply to products with minimum specified yield strengths not listed in Table 1. It also does not apply to flat products with chemical compositions and mechanical properties specified in other standards.

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