Hot-dip galvaniZed steel Wire for Cable Bridges (GB/T17101-1997)
The use of hot-dip galvanized steel wire for cable bridges as specified in GB/T17101-1997 is a necessary safety measure when wires are used as protective device components in cable bridges. It is necessary because of the need to create a safe and reliable barrier between the environment and the cables, particularly in light of adverse weather conditions. The specification details a range of technical requirements relating to the material and performance aspects of the wire and the corresponding zinc coating.
The wire specified in the standard must meet the requirements of the Chinese State Standard GB/T 801-2004 – Steel Terms and Definitions. The grade of steel must also meet the requirements of JG T101-1993 which sets out to identify seven different grades and types of wire, differentiated by strength and modulus of elasticity. The size of the wire must meet the requirements of JG T106-2000. The requirements set out a range of diameters from 0.2mm to 3.5mm. In addition, there are specific requirements regarding the tensile strength and elongation of the wire.
The mechanical and physical properties of the steel wire must be inspected and tested, which includes the surface finish, tensile strength, grain size of the wire and the cross section of the wire. The chemical composition of the wire must also meet the requirements of the standard. The standard calls for the content of carbon, silicon, manganese, phosphorus and sulphur to meet the specified limits.
Finally, the standard states that the galvanizing process must be carried out in accordance with GB/T 841-2004. This covers the pre-process treatments, immersion process and passivation test, along with other requirements such as the composition of the zinc coat, thickness of the coat, adhesion of the coat, appearance and mapping of the coat.
These stringent requirements ensure that hot-dip galvanized steel wire is an appropriate, safe and reliable material for use in cable bridge construction. By ensuring effective protection with a zinc coat, hot-dip galvanized steel wire provides improved reliability and performance and enhances the operation and safety of the cables, particularly in harsh and hostile environmental conditions. GB/T17101-1997 sets the gold standard when it comes to hot-dip galvanized steel wire for cable bridges and any construction project using this wire should ensure they comply with the standard to guarantee the highest quality and safety standards.