intermetallic compound

common term 186 15/06/2023 1084 Sophia

并有关于金属间化合物的内容 Metal-Metal Bond Compounds Metal-metal bonds are chemical bonds between two or more metal atoms or metal ions in which the electrons involved in the bonding are localized. They are relatively rare compounds due to the high electronegativity of the metal centres and the r......


Metal-Metal Bond Compounds

Metal-metal bonds are chemical bonds between two or more metal atoms or metal ions in which the electrons involved in the bonding are localized. They are relatively rare compounds due to the high electronegativity of the metal centres and the resulting difficulty of producing an ionic or covalently shared electron pair between metal centres. That said, metal-metal bonds do occur in a number of complexes and in a variety of ways, depending on the electronic and steric environments of the metal centres.

Metal-metal bond compounds are typically classified based on the type of metal-metal bonding present. Simple metals such as sodium and potassium can react to form simple diatomic molecules with a single shared pair of electrons. This is called a single-bond (sigma bond) and is the same type of bond found in homonuclear diatomics such as oxygen. In this case, two metal atoms connected by a single bond are analogous to an oxygen molecule. It is important to note that this type of single bond is not necessarily the strongest metal-metal bond possible, even in a simple diatomic complex.

In more complex metal-metal complexes, multiple bonds can be formed. These bonds involve multiple shared electron pairs and include double (pi bond), triple (delta bond), and multiple bonds. The higher-order multiple bonds are often called multi-centre bonds and are considerably more difficult to form due to the need for precise positioning of the metal atoms in the complex.

In addition to the types of bonding mentioned above, there are other types of metal-metal bonds which are less common but still of significant interest. These include dative bonds, coordination bonds, and even fluoride-bridged bonds.

The formation of metal-metal bond compounds is typically an energetically unfavourable process due to the strength of the electrostatic repulsion between the electrons of the metal centres. However, this repulsion can be overcome in certain situations, such as where there is a favourable electronic environment or steric proximity between the metal centres, or where there is an increased ability to donate electrons. In such cases, the formation of the metal-metal bond is thermodynamically favourable.

Another factor which can affect the formation of metal-metal bond compounds is the presence of ligands. Ligands such as pyridine or amine groups can increase the rate of formation of the metal-metal bond by providing favourable electronic environments or increasing the nucleophilicity of one of the metal centres. This can allow easier formation of the bond with a lower overall energy than would be necessary when the ligand is absent.

In addition to the main classes of metal-metal bonds, there are also a number of other less common but still significant types of bonding. These include hypercoordinate and tricapped trigonal bipyramidal bonds, which involve three or more metal centres, respectively. These types of bonding can occur in a variety of metal-metal complexes and can play an important role in the structure and reactivity of the complex.

Overall, metal-metal bond compounds are relatively rare but can occur under the right circumstances. By understanding the different types of metal-metal bonding and the factors involved in their formation, researchers can better design and synthesise new metal-metal bond complexes for a variety of uses.

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common term 186 2023-06-15 1084 SerenitySkye

A metal complex is a coordination complex in which the central atom is a metal. Many metal complexes exhibit remarkable stability and, as such, have been studied extensively. These complexes are important biologically, as a number of enzymes are metal complexes. Metal complexes can be divided into......

A metal complex is a coordination complex in which the central atom is a metal. Many metal complexes exhibit remarkable stability and, as such, have been studied extensively. These complexes are important biologically, as a number of enzymes are metal complexes. Metal complexes can be divided into two categories: organometallic compounds, in which the organic ligands directly bond to the metal, and coordination compounds, where electrons are shared between the metal and the ligand.

Organometallic compounds are formed when organic groups bond directly to the metal atoms orbitals, forming a covalent bond. One example of an organometallic complex is ferrocene, in which two cyclopentadienyl rings are bonded to the iron atom. These compounds are useful in organic synthesis, as the organic groups can be manipulated through reactions. Additionally, these compounds can be used to modify the properties of the metal, such as increasing the acidity or reducing the reactivity.

Coordination compounds are molecules in which electrons are shared between the metal atoms d-orbitals and the neighbouring ligands. These complexes are formed through electrostatic interactions between the positive charge on the metal and the negative charge on the ligands. This type of complex is stable due to the delocalization of the electrons. Examples of coordination compounds include [Cr(H2O)6]3+ and [Fe(CN)6]4-.

Metal complexes play an important role in biological systems, as a number of metalloproteins are metal complexes. These complexes can be used to catalyze reactions, acting as a switch for enzymatic activity. Additionally, these complexes can be used to transport oxygen, as the iron in hemoglobin binds oxygen and carries it through the bloodstream.

In conclusion, metal complexes are an important class of compounds due to their stability and their various applications. They are used in organic synthesis, as catalysts in biological systems, and as transport molecules. By studying these complexes, we can gain a better understanding of how they function and how we can utilize them in various applications.

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