Flexible Manufacturing Technology

Introduction Flexible manufacturing technology (FMT) is a new manufacturing technique that has been gaining popularity in the manufacturing industry in recent years. It is a process that combines automation, robotics, and computer control to create a flexible manufacturing system that can quickly......


Flexible manufacturing technology (FMT) is a new manufacturing technique that has been gaining popularity in the manufacturing industry in recent years. It is a process that combines automation, robotics, and computer control to create a flexible manufacturing system that can quickly and efficiently produce quality products, with a minimum of manual labor. It is also known as “agile manufacturing” as it can be quickly adjusted and reconfigured to meet changing customer needs.

Flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs) consist of a number of components, including machine tools and robots, which are connected in a network and managed by a computer system. This system is able to efficiently and quickly produce a variety of products. In addition, the flexibility of these systems allows them to be easily reconfigured to meet changing customer needs. This means that no matter what the customer’s requirements are, they can be easily accommodated by the FMS.


Flexible manufacturing technology offers several advantages over traditional manufacturing methods. First, it is much more efficient and cost-effective than conventional methods. In addition, it eliminates the need to purchase specialized equipment, which can be very costly. Second, the flexibility of the FMS allows it to quickly adjust and reconfigure itself to meet changing customer needs. This means that the customer’s requirements can be easily accommodated, without any additional investments.

Third, FMT is also much more reliable than traditional manufacturing methods. The computer-controlled nature of FMSs ensures that the products produced are always of high quality and consistency. Fourth, because FMSs are highly automated, production costs are greatly reduced. This means that companies can invest less in personnel and reduce their labor costs.

Finally, FMT also allows companies to increase their output. With a properly configured system, the same amount of raw material can be processed more quickly than with traditional methods. This results in fewer delays and higher production levels.


Despite the advantages of FMT, there are also some disadvantages that must be considered. First, FMT requires a significant investment in equipment. This can be a prohibitively expensive endeavor for some companies. In addition, the system can be hard to maintain, as the various components must be regularly monitored and replaced. Finally, Flexible Manufacturing requires a team of highly-skilled operators, as the complexity of the system can be difficult to manage. As such, it may be hard to find personnel with the necessary skills and expertise.


Flexible manufacturing technology can be a great tool for companies that have the resources to invest in it. It offers a number of advantages over traditional manufacturing methods, including improved efficiency and cost-effectiveness, reliability, and high output. However, it does require a significant investment in equipment, and can be difficult to maintain, so businesses should carefully consider their needs and resources before investing in an FMT system.

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