Qingdao Iron and Steel Group Yanzhou Coking Plant

Qingdao Steel Group Yanzhou Coking Plant Qingdao Steel Group Yanzhou Coking Plant (QSG YCP) is part of the world-renowned Qingdao Steel Group, a leading Chinese steelmaker with a global reach and state of the art infrastructure. QSG YCP produces coking coal, coke and chemicals for steelmaking, as......

Qingdao Steel Group Yanzhou Coking Plant

Qingdao Steel Group Yanzhou Coking Plant (QSG YCP) is part of the world-renowned Qingdao Steel Group, a leading Chinese steelmaker with a global reach and state of the art infrastructure. QSG YCP produces coking coal, coke and chemicals for steelmaking, as well as providing fuel for many local industries and providing pollutant removal services.

QSG YCP is located in Yanzhou, Shandong Province, in Northeast China, a region with a long and proud steelmaking tradition. The plant has two production lines, and has a total annual production capacity of 3.2 million tons of coking coal and 1.2 million tons of coke.

QSG YCP is a modern and efficient plant, with experienced and qualified staff and cutting-edge facilities. As part of the Qingdao Steel Group, QSG YCP is committed to excellent safety standards, environmental protection and the development of technologically advanced production processes, while continuing to research and improve its products.

QSG YCP is committed to providing consumers with high-quality products while also focusing on responsible resource utilization. In addition to its strong commitment to environmental protection, QSG YCP has maintained a successful customer relationship with many of its customers by delivering on-time and consistently high-quality raw materials for steelmaking.

The plants coking coal is primarily used for steelmaking, and it is mainly exported to other parts of China. QSG YCPs coke is used for the production of steel, chemical and energy products. QSG YCP is also a supplier of other raw materials, such as sulfur and manganese, and provides services such as waste water treatment and solid waste recycling.

QSG YCP has always been committed to the development of quality products and outstanding customer service. In the future, QSG YCP plans to expand its production capability and increase its share in the coking and coke markets. The company is also increasing its focus on environmental protection, safety, and technological advancement.

QSG YCP is an important member of the Qingdao Steel Group and plays a major role in the global steel industry. With advanced technology and a commitment to environmental protection, QSG YCP is a trusted partner for steelmakers and other producers around the world.

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