Tsinghua Science and Technology Park

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Tsinghua Science and Technology Park Located in the downtown area of Beijing, the Tsinghua Science and Technology Park (TSTP) was established in 1988 in response to the Chinese government’s drive to promote high-tech research and development in the nation’s universities. The park is spread acro......

Tsinghua Science and Technology Park

Located in the downtown area of Beijing, the Tsinghua Science and Technology Park (TSTP) was established in 1988 in response to the Chinese government’s drive to promote high-tech research and development in the nation’s universities. The park is spread across a total area of 12.3 square kilometers and has become a major hub for businesses to collaborate and develop innovative technologies that benefit society.

TSTP is administrated by the Tsinghua University and the Beijing Municipal Government, in partnership with the Ministry of Science and Technology, local government offices, industrial parks and venture capital firms. At the time of its establishment, just eight Chinese companies and some foreign research institutions were registered as its members. Since then, the number of registered members has grown to more than 1,200. Notable members include Microsoft, Cisco, Intel, China Merchants Bank and many other leading companies and research institutions.

TSTP is home to more than 20 research institutes and 150 national-level research centers. It has become a world leader in research and development in fields such as information technology, biotechnology, nanotechnology, clean technology and material sciences. The park has also helped to spin off more than 10,000 high-tech startups and 30 technological innovations, leading to the creation of thousands of jobs in the area.

In addition to promoting high-tech research and development, TSTP serves as a platform for business and technology collaborations between innovative enterprises and research institutions. Through its various programs and initiatives such as Business Incubators, Shanghai International Technology Show, Venture Capital Trials, and Technology Transfer Workshops, TSTP encourages and facilitates collaboration between industrial partners and academic institutions.

TSTP is committed to promoting regional economic development, technology commercialization and innovation. Over the years, it has become a major contributor to the economy of the region and has become a world-class science and technology park with an excellent record in helping firms develop, commercialize, and market products.

TSTP strives to promote sustainable and inclusive development, and an environment that promotes creativity, innovation and collaboration. The park provides numerous services to encourage collaboration between businesses and research institutions, while also providing students and researchers at Tsinghua University with a platform to showcase their work, develop their businesses and accelerate their growth. In addition, TSTP actively supports the development of environmental technologies and sustainability initiatives in the region.

TSTP has become an important technology hub in Beijing and will continue to play a major role in advancing high-tech research and development activities in the region. With its various initiatives and programs, TSTP is helping to propel innovation and economic growth in the region and beyond.

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