Quantitative Research Methods

Finance and Economics 3239 10/07/2023 1046 Alice

Introduction Quantitative research method is the approach used in the scientific field to understand and understudy the phenomenon which is being studied whether it is a behavior of an individual or a group of people. This approach is used by the psychologists, economists, market researchers, and......


Quantitative research method is the approach used in the scientific field to understand and understudy the phenomenon which is being studied whether it is a behavior of an individual or a group of people. This approach is used by the psychologists, economists, market researchers, and even sociologists. This research method employs the perspective of empirical evidence which naturally leads to more accurate results. The results which are derived from this type of research are based on the methodology of deductive due to which, the final results become concrete and structured.

Types of Quantitative Research

Quantitative research is divided into different kinds and types of research. Each of them has its own set of advantages and limitations. The different types of quantitative research methods are discussed below:

Survey Research: Surveys are used widely for collecting data from a large population of people to draw valid and accurate conclusions. This type of research method works for gaining primary data from people who are directly involved in the research. Surveys require the use of carefully structured questions which can be framed according to both structured and unstructured methods. Surveys are a cost-effective way of getting large chunks of data which would otherwise need individual interviews.

Experimental Research: This type of research deals with the manipulation of the data to dive deeper into the knowledge about the phenomenon understudy. This is done by controlling the variables which could possibly influence the results. The data is collected and observed closely after conducting experiments which can be further analyzed and discussed to draw out the relevant and accurate conclusions.

Observational Research: This type of research focuses on the observation of the subject of the study in different settings. This kind of researchis used to observe the behavior and activities of people in the traditional environment. Observational research is used to gain more insight into the behavior and characteristics of people in a natural environment which may not be achievable through any other research method.

Case Study Research: This type of research investigates into different variables and information associated with a particular subject. This research method is conducted with the help of gaining detailed information about the subject of the study. This type of research is most helpful in gaining insight into a particular research problem in more details than any other type of research method.


Quantitative research method is the approach used in the scientific field to understand and understudy the phenomenon which is being studied whether it is a behavior of an individual or a group of people. This approach is used by the psychologists, economists, market researchers, and even sociologists. Quantitative research is divided into different types, such as survey research, experimental research, observational research, and case study research. Each of these types of research has its advantages and limitations, and the selection of the appropriate research method for any specific case depends on the type of research question that needs to be answered.

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Finance and Economics 3239 2023-07-10 1046 SunnyDreamer

Quantitative research is a method of investigation used to answer a specific problem. This research method is often used in the social sciences and involves the use of numerical data to describe and analyze the problem. The main goal of quantitative research is to measure different variables, such......

Quantitative research is a method of investigation used to answer a specific problem. This research method is often used in the social sciences and involves the use of numerical data to describe and analyze the problem. The main goal of quantitative research is to measure different variables, such as opinions, behaviors and responses, in order to draw conclusions about the results of the study.

Quantitative research generally involves the use of primary data collected from surveys or experiments. In these studies, individuals or groups of people are asked to indicate their views on a certain subject. During experiments, individuals may be asked to respond to specific stimuli, or they may be randomly assigned to different conditions. The data collected is then analyzed statistically to draw conclusions.

The advantages of quantitative research include the ability to identify causes, test hypotheses and gain accurate data. The data collected can be used to calculate percentages and make inferences about the population as a whole. The results of quantitative research are also highly reliable and valid, as they are based on real data that can be replicated.

The disadvantages of quantitative research include a lack of detail and context. Due to the statistical nature of the data, it can be difficult to establish individual motivations or explore different perspectives. It can also be difficult to draw detailed conclusions when using quantitative data, as the analysis may only show correlations and not necessarily causes.

Overall, quantitative research is a powerful tool for measuring and understanding the views of individuals, groups and entire populations. It can provide detailed insights into behaviors, attitudes and experiences that can be otherwise difficult to measure. When used properly, quantitative research can provide valuable information for decision-making and program evaluation.

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