work goal setting

My Goals & Motivation It always feels good to set goals and have something to work towards. I understand that it is important to have a plan of action to achieve those goals and stay motivated during the journey. That is why I have compiled a list of objectives and the strategies that I intend to......

My Goals & Motivation

It always feels good to set goals and have something to work towards. I understand that it is important to have a plan of action to achieve those goals and stay motivated during the journey. That is why I have compiled a list of objectives and the strategies that I intend to use to reach them.

My first goal is to finish my bachelor’s degree in two years. I have already taken some college-level classes, and I want to take as many as I can each semester to reach my goal. My plan is to sign up for an accelerated program, enroll in online and night classes, and hire a tutor to help me with challenging courses. Furthermore, I will stay organized by keeping track of the number of credits I have earned and the classes I still need to take. I will also provide myself with numerous study breaks and allocate sufficient time to rest and stay healthy. These strategies will ensure that I stay on track to complete my degree in two years.

My second goal is to take on a part-time job to gain work experience. I plan to contact local employers to see what positions and opportunities are at hand. Furthermore, I plan to make sure that I am thorough when filling out job applications, and I will do my best to ace any job interviews. I also plan to allot time to prepare a professional resume and curate a portfolio; this will ensure that I am competitive when job searching.

My last goal is to build relationships with colleagues, supervisors and peers in the workplace. To do this, I plan to take the initiative to be friendly, courteous, and responsive. Furthermore, I intend to ask meaningful questions and provide helpful opinions during meetings and discussions. I will also stay involved in work events, such as potlucks, team bonding activities, and networking events. All of these steps will help foster working relationships with my colleagues and make me feel like part of the team.

Overall, these are the goals that I have identified, and the strategy to reach them. I know that I have a lot to accomplish and that I face many obstacles that will stand in my way. With the help of my strategies, I am confident that I will achieve success, and I am motivated and determined to continue pushing forward towards my end goal.

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