Geological evaluation index of coal

Coal 188 1020 Amelia

Geological evaluation indicators of coal Coal is an important energy resource and its availability and quality are closely related to energy utilization and environmental protection. Coal geological evaluation is the basis for predicting coal resources, exploring coal resources, and protecting co......

Geological evaluation indicators of coal

Coal is an important energy resource and its availability and quality are closely related to energy utilization and environmental protection. Coal geological evaluation is the basis for predicting coal resources, exploring coal resources, and protecting coal resources. It is based on geological data and analysis results to assess the availability and quality of coal resources, the potential of coal development and utilization, and the control of the impact of coal development and utilization on the environment. It is one of the basic tasks in coal geology and the important means to improve the utilization efficiency of coal resources and promote the sustainable development of coal industry. The evaluation of coal in geological evaluation mainly includes these indexes.

1. Geographical position index: Refers to the state of exploitation, location, transportation and other geographic conditions. It includes the location of the coal seam, its depth, its thickness, its proximity to the surface and its distance from the cities and highways.

2. Resource index: Refers to the existence, characteristics and scope of coal resources. It includes the total amount of coal resources, the category and grade of coal, the composition and balance of coal resources, mines and field distribution, and the resources recoverable.

3. Mining index: Refers to the conditions of coal mining and the ability of coal mining enterprises to develop coal resources. It includes the mining method, shaft opening pressure, stripping capacity, geological stability, geology complexity and other geological conditions of the coal mine, and the ability of the personnel and equipment of the coal mining enterprise.

4. Operating index: Refers to the acceptance, output and other operation parameters of coal mining. It includes the transport conditions of coal, the technical parameters of coal mining, the mining rate, the mining cost, the environmental conditions and the safety conditions of coal mining enterprises.

5. Environmental index: Refers to the environmental impact of coal development and utilization. It includes the environmental pollution caused by coal mining, coal utilization, and the destruction of surface and underground water systems and landscapes.

Based on the above evaluation indicators, it is possible to conduct comprehensive evaluation of the available coal resources and coal operations, thus providing support for later planning and exploitation. In addition to the above five evaluation indexes, the indicators of coal processing technology and economic analysis data are also needed to assess the utilization potential of coal resources. This can provide a more comprehensive assessment of coal resources, providing scientific support for the effective development and utilization of coal resources.

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