big market theory

Finance and Economics 3239 12/07/2023 1045 Oliver

Introduction Market theory is a study of decision-making models and approaches used in markets. It involves the examination of the forces that influence prices, such as supply and demand, the production and sale of goods and services, and the interaction of buyers and sellers. For many centuries......


Market theory is a study of decision-making models and approaches used in markets. It involves the examination of the forces that influence prices, such as supply and demand, the production and sale of goods and services, and the interaction of buyers and sellers. For many centuries, market theory has guided economic thought and practice.

Classical Theory

One of the earliest theories of market economics was developed by the “Classical” school in the 18th and 19th centuries. Its advocates, including Adam Smith and other notable economists, argued that the forces of supply and demand would automatically adjust the market in such a way that it would lead to the optimum price of goods and services and the most efficient allocation of resources. Further, they argued that if any interference was attempted by the government, the outcome of the market would be distorted. This view was based on the premise that the market worked best when it was left alone.

Keynesian Theory

The Classical school’s view of the market was challenged by the emergence of Keynesian economic theory in the 1930s. John Maynard Keynes proposed that government intervention was needed to protect the market from major disruptions, many of which were caused by the Great Depression. Keynes suggested that government fiscal and monetary policies, such as increasing public spending and reducing taxes, could be used to stimulate the economy and keep it on an even keel. He also argued that these policies could help to achieve full employment and promote economic growth.


Monetarism emerged in the 1950s and was popularized by the economist Milton Friedman. Monetarism argued for a more limited role for the government in managing the economy, proposing that the government should focus on controlling the money supply, as opposed to intervening in the market. Monetarists argued that controlling the money supply could help reduce inflation and ensure economic stability.

Modern Theory

Modern market theory arises in a much different economic and political context than the classical and Keynesian economic theories. It argues that the government should take a more active role in managing the economy, intervening to ensure that the market is functioning efficiently. This includes the use of fiscal and monetary policies to promote economic growth, manage the money supply, and improve consumer welfare. At the same time, modern market theorists argue that the government must also ensure that markets are transparent, accessible, and well-regulated.


Market theory is an ongoing effort to understand how markets work and how their operations can be improved. Classical and Keynesian economics provide the foundations for modern market theory. The former stresses the importance of leaving the market alone, while the latter has argued for a more active role for the government in managing the economy. Modern market theory seeks to reconcile these approaches, by advocating for an active role for the government in promoting economic stability and growth while also promoting transparency, access, and regulation.

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Finance and Economics 3239 2023-07-12 1045 RavenSky.

The theory of the Great Market is a socio-economic concept that suggests that there is an overall natural balance that exists in any given market. This balance is determined by supply and demand, but also by other macro and micro economic factors. The theory suggests that when a market is operatin......

The theory of the Great Market is a socio-economic concept that suggests that there is an overall natural balance that exists in any given market. This balance is determined by supply and demand, but also by other macro and micro economic factors. The theory suggests that when a market is operating efficiently, prices will ultimately reach equilibrium, with there being an optimal price that is best for both buyers and sellers.

The theory originated in the late 18th century, and has since been embraced by many economists and financial theorists. It has been used to inform fiscal and monetary policies, as well as to shape the structure of businesses and industries.

Essentially, the “Great Market” theory believes that all markets are inherently efficient, and that any external factors that may interfere with the forces of supply and demand can disrupt the markets equilibrium. According to this view, any interference (such as taxation, tariffs, subsidies, etc.) can have a negative impact on the efficiency of the market.

However, the theory of the great market is often challenged, with many critics arguing that it fails to take into account external factors, such as government interventions and monopolistic tendencies in certain markets. Furthermore, it is argued that the theory of the great market can, in fact, lead to an inefficient market as it can lead to artificially low prices, or to an oversupply of certain goods.

Despite these criticisms, the theory of the great market still holds some validity and relevance. As new technologies and trends in consumer behavior bring about new market conditions, the traditional concept of the great market may need to be re-examined for applicability in the modern era.

Overall, the theory of the great market remains an important concept in economic and financial theory. Its basic principles of equilibrium and efficiency remain applicable today, and the concept serves as a fundamental basis for many economic and financial policies. Despite its shortcomings in modern contexts, the theory of the great market can be a valuable tool in understanding how markets operate and how they can be influenced and manipulated.

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